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从 Microsoft 商店中托管的应用获取订阅和应用内购买信息

[英]Getting subscription & in-app purchase information from an App hosted in Microsoft store

We have an app hosted in Microsoft store.我们在 Microsoft 商店中托管了一个应用程序。 We want to,我们想,

  1. Access the subscription/in-app purchase information of the app from backend using java/springboot使用 java/springboot 从后端访问应用的订阅/应用内购买信息

  2. What are the MS Store Rest APIs that we can use to validate or communicate.我们可以用来验证或通信的 MS Store Rest API 是什么。

As we are doing this for first time any pointers or code sample will be absolutely halpful.当我们第一次这样做时,任何指针或代码示例都将是绝对的。 Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

You can use the Microsoft Store collection API and Microsoft Store purchase API to access entitlement information for these products from your services.您可以使用Microsoft Store 集合 APIMicrosoft Store 购买 API从您的服务访问这些产品的权利信息。 These APIs consist of REST methods that are designed to be used by developers with add-on catalogs that are supported by cross-platform services.这些 API 由 REST 方法组成,这些方法旨在供具有跨平台服务支持的附加目录的开发人员使用。 For example, Microsoft Store collection API could query for products owned by a user and Microsoft Store purchase API could get subscriptions for a user .例如, Microsoft Store 集合 API可以查询用户拥有的产品Microsoft Store 购买 API可以获取用户的订阅

You could learn the full process about how to use the Microsoft Store collection API and Microsoft Store purchase API here: Manage product entitlements from a service .您可以在此处了解有关如何使用Microsoft Store 集合 APIMicrosoft Store 购买 API的完整过程: 管理来自服务的产品权利 And if you want to get the subscription information of the user, you could take a look at Get subscriptions for a user , which contains the full request example and response body.如果您想获取用户的订阅信息,您可以查看Get subscriptions for a user ,其中包含完整的请求示例和响应正文。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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