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将索引从Elasticsearch 1.x迁移到Elasticsearch 2.x的工具

[英]Tools to migrate index from elasticsearch 1.x to elasticsearch 2.x

I am looking for the tools to migrate data from 1.x to 2.x elasticsearch. 我正在寻找将数据从1.x迁移到2.x elasticsearch的工具。 Please suggest if anything is available? 请建议是否有可用的东西?

You have a few options. 您有几种选择。 You can use Logstash in order to copy indices from your old 1.x ES to your new 2.x ES: 您可以使用Logstash来将索引从旧的1.x ES复制到新的2.x ES:

input {
  elasticsearch {
   hosts => ["old-es:9200"]                     <--- source ES host
   index => "source_index"                      <--- source index to copy
   docinfo => true
filter {
 mutate {
  remove_field => [ "@version", "@timestamp" ]  <--- remove added junk
output {
 elasticsearch {
   hosts => ["new-es:9200]"                     <--- target ES host
   index => "%{[@metadata][_index]}"
   document_type => "%{[@metadata][_type]}"
   document_id => "%{[@metadata][_id]}"

You can also use elasticdump and use the following commands to copy source_index from old-es:9200 to your new-es:9200 host: 您还可以使用elasticdump并使用以下命令将source_indexold-es:9200复制到您的new-es:9200主机:

elasticdump \
  --input=http://old-es:9200/source_index \
  --output=http://new-es:9200/source_index \
elasticdump \
  --input=http://old-es:9200/source_index \
  --output=http://new-es:9200/source_index \
elasticdump \
  --input=http://old-es:9200/source_index \
  --output=http://new-es:9200/source_index \

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