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[英]Java regular expressions for specific name\value format

I'm not familiar yet with java regular expressions. 我对Java正则表达式还不熟悉。 I want to validate a string that has the following format: 我想验证具有以下格式的字符串:

String INPUT = "[name1 value1];[name2 value2];[name3 value3];"; 

namei and valuei are Strings should contain any characters expect white-space. namei和valuei是字符串,应包含除空格以外的任何字符。

I tried with this expression: 我尝试使用以下表达式:

String REGEX = "([\\S*\\s\\S*];)*";

But if I call matches() I get always false even for a good String. 但是,如果我调用matches(),即使获得一个好的String,我也总是会得到false。

what's the best regular expression for it? 最好的正则表达式是什么?

This does the trick: 这可以解决问题:


If you want to only match three of these, replace the * at the end with {3} . 如果只想匹配其中三个,请用{3}替换末尾的*

Explanation: 说明:

  • (?: : Start of non-capturing group (?:非捕获组的开始

  • \\[ : Escapes the [ sign which is a meta-character in regex. \\[ :转义[符号,它是正则表达式中的元字符。 This allows it to be used for matching. 这使其可以用于匹配。

  • \\w.*? : Lazily matches any word character [az][AZ][0-9]_ . :懒惰地匹配任何单词字符[az][AZ][0-9]_ Lazy matching means it attempts to match the character as few times possible, in this case meaning that when will stop matching once it finds the following \\s . 延迟匹配表示它尝试尽可能少地匹配字符,在这种情况下,这意味着当找到以下\\s时将停止匹配。

  • \\s : Matches one whitespace \\s :匹配一个空格

  • \\] : See \\[ \\] :请参见\\[

  • ; : Matches one semicolon :匹配一个分号

  • ) : End of non-capturing group ) :非捕获组的结尾

  • * : Matches any number of what is contained in the preceding non-capturing group. * :匹配前面的非捕获组中包含的任何数量。

See this link for demonstration 请参阅此链接进行演示

You should escape square brackets. 您应该使用方括号。 Also, if your aim is to match only three, replace * with {3} 另外,如果您的目标是仅匹配三个,请将*替换为{3}


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