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[英]LucidWorks: Java Regular Expressions & GNU Regular Expressions

I am trying to create regular expressions so that I can crawl and index certain URL's on my web site with LucidWorks. 我正在尝试创建正则表达式,以便可以使用LucidWorks对我的网站上的某些URL进行爬网和索引。

Example URL: http://www.example.com/reviews/assassins-creed-revelations/24475 /reviews/ Example URL: http://www.example.com/reviews/super-mario-3d-land/64303 /reviews/ 范例网址: http : //www.example.com/reviews/assassins-creed-revelations/24475 / reviews /范例网址: http : //www.example.com/reviews/super-mario-3d-land/64303 /评论/

Basically, I want LucidWorks to search my entire site and index only URL'S that have /reviews/ at the end of the URL. 基本上,我希望LucidWorks搜索我的整个网站,并且仅索引URL末尾带有/ reviews /的URL。

Could anyone help me construct an expression to do that please? 谁能帮我构建一个表达式来做到这一点? :) :)

Updated: 更新:

URL: http://www.example.com/ 网址: http//www.example.com/

Include paths: / /*/reviews/* 包含路径: / / * /评论/ *

That kind of worked, but it only crawls the first page, it won't go to the next page with more reviews (1,2,3 etc). 这种工作方式有效,但只会抓取第一页,而不会进入具有更多评论(1、2、3等)的下一页。

If I also add: / / /reviews/.* 如果我还添加: // //reviews/.*

I get a load of pages indexed which I don't want such as http://www.example.com/?page=2 我得到了一些我不想索引的页面,例如http://www.example.com/?page=2

Check with this function
public boolean canAcceptURL(String url,String endsWith){
    boolean canAccept = false;
    String regex = "";
            endsWith = "/reviews/";
    regex = "[\\x20-\\x7E]*"+endsWith+"$";//Check the url string u passed ends     with the endString you hav passed.If end string is null it will take the default value.
        canAccept = url.matches(regex);
    }catch (PatternSyntaxException pe) {
    }catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("String matches : "+canAccept);
    return canAccept;

Sample out put :
calling function : canAcceptURL("http://www.example.com/reviews/super-mario-3d-land/64303/reviews/","/reviews/");
String matches : true

if you want to get the url contains *'/reviews/'* just change the regex string to

String regex = "[\\x20-\\x7E]*/reviews/[\\x20-\\x7E]*"; // this will accept a string with white space and special character.

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