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[英]Use json_encode() with a foreach loop

I have the following code which allows me to echo my product categories in wordpress withing a select box: 我有以下代码,可让我使用选择框在wordpress中回显我的产品类别:

 $arguments = array(
            'number'     => $number,
            'orderby'    => $orderby,
            'order'      => $order,
            'hide_empty' => $hide_empty,
            'include'    => $ids

 $product_cats = get_terms( 'product_cat', $arguments );

 foreach ( $product_cats as $cat ) :
  echo '<option value="' . $cat->term_id . '">' . $cat->name . '</option>';

I am trying to use the returned values from my foreach loop within the json_encode() so that I can use the categories in my javascript code. 我试图在json_encode()中使用我的foreach循环返回的值,以便可以在JavaScript代码中使用类别。

But I cannot figure out a way to do it, can anyone provide any guidance? 但是我想不通一种方法,有人可以提供任何指导吗?

If i use 如果我用

<?php echo json_encode($product_cats); ?> 

it does not work 这是行不通的

try in javascript tag; 尝试使用javascript标签;

<script type="text/javascript">
    var myCatJSON = JSON.parse('<?php echo json_encode($product_cats); ?>');

You can do this inside a javascript tag. 您可以在javascript标记内执行此操作。 Remember the code should be outside PHP tag. 请记住,代码应在PHP标记之外。

<script type='text/javascript'>
$cat_array = json_encode($product_cats);
echo "var javasc_cat_array = ". $cat_array . ";\n";

As other answers suggested try to put it in the script tags like this: 正如其他答案建议的那样,请尝试将其放入脚本标签中,如下所示:

    var cat = <?=json_encode($product_cats); ?>

And then you can use cat as a javascript object. 然后,您可以将cat用作javascript对象。

PS : Don't forget to use this BEFORE you do the foreach loop as it "empties" the array. PS: 执行foreach循环之前,请不要忘记使用此功能,因为它会“清空”阵列。

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