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[英]Using SFINAE to disable template class member function

Is it possible to use SFINAE and std::enable_if to disable a single member function of a template class? 是否可以使用SFINAE和std::enable_if来禁用模板类的单个成员函数?

I currently have a code similar to this: 我目前有一个类似于此的代码:

#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <string>

class Base {
    virtual int f() { return 0; }

template<typename T>
class Derived : public Base {
    T getValue_() { return T(); }

    int f() override {
        assert((std::is_same<T, int>::value));
        T val = getValue_();
        //return val; --> not possible if T not convertible to int
        return *reinterpret_cast<int*>(&val);

template<typename T>
class MoreDerived : public Derived<T> {
    int f() override { return 2; }

int main() {
    Derived<int> i;
    MoreDerived<std::string> f;
    std::cout << f.f() << " " << i.f() << std::endl;

Ideally, Derived<T>::f() should be disabled if T != int . 理想情况下,如果T != int则应禁用Derived<T>::f() Because f is virtual, Derived<T>::f() gets generated for any instantiation of Derived , even if it is never called. 因为f是虚拟的,所以Derived<T>::f()会为Derived任何实例化生成,即使它从未被调用过。 But the code is used such that Derived<T> (with T != int ) never gets created only as a base class of MoreDerived<T> . 但是使用代码使得Derived<T> (带有T != int )永远不会仅作为MoreDerived<T>的基类创建。

So the hack in Derived<T>::f() is necessary to make the program compile; 所以Derived<T>::f()的hack是编译程序所必需的; the reinterpret_cast line never gets executed. reinterpret_cast行永远不会被执行。

You could simply specialize f for int : 你可以简单地将f专门化为int

template<typename T>
class Derived : public Base {
    T getValue_() { return T(); }

    int f() override {
        return Base::f();

template <>
int Derived<int>::f () {
    return getValue_();

No you can't rule out a member function with SFINAE. 不,你不能排除SFINAE的会员功能。 You could do it with specialisation of your Derived class f member function for convertible T s to int but that would lead to unnecessary duplication of code. 您可以通过特化Derivedf成员函数将可转换T s转换为int但这会导致不必要的代码重复。 In C++17 however you could solve this with use of if constexpr : 但是在C ++ 17中你可以使用if constexpr解决这个问题:

template<typename T> class Derived : public Base {
  T getValue_() { return T(); }
  int f() override {
    if constexpr(std::is_convertible<T, int>::value) return getValue_();
    return Base::f();

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