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[英]How to access class attributes of a derived class in the base class in Python3?

I want to do something in a base class ( FooBase ) with the class attribues of the derived classes ( Foo ). 我想在基类( FooBase )中使用派生类( Foo )的类属性进行操作。 I want to do this with Python 3 . 我想用Python 3做到这一点。

class BaseFoo:
   #felder = [] doesn't work

   def test():

class Foo(BaseFoo):
   felder = ['eins', 'zwei', 'yep']

if __name__ ==  '__main__':

Maybe there is a different approach to this? 也许有不同的方法吗?

You need to make test a class method , and give it an argument that it can use to access the class; 您需要将test作为一个类方法 ,并为其提供一个可用于访问该类的参数。 conventionally this arg is named cls . 通常,此arg称为cls

class BaseFoo:
    def test(cls):

class Foo(BaseFoo):
    felder = ['eins', 'zwei', 'yep']

if __name__ ==  '__main__':

output 输出

['eins', 'zwei', 'yep']

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