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[英]How to make images available offline in an android app?

I have a app for which I need the user to see images even if there is no internet available. 我有一个应用程序,即使没有互联网,我也需要用户查看图像。 Initially I make a volley request to mysql database and I use the parsed data to display images using Picasso. 最初,我向mysql数据库发出凌空请求,然后使用解析的数据通过Picasso显示图像。

Picasso.with(context).load(magazineVersions.get(position).getMagazine_image_url()).resize(400, 500).into(holder.iv_magazine);  

Now I am also downloading images in response to my volley request and storing them inside a folder named .images as follows:- 现在,我还根据我的截击请求下载图像,并将它们存储在名为.images的文件夹中,如下所示:-

public ArrayList showJSON(String json) {
    ParseJSON pj = new ParseJSON(json);

    image_url = ParseJSON.img_url;
    mag_version = ParseJSON.magversion;
    download_path = ParseJSON.download_url;
    sample_url = ParseJSON.sample_url;

    for (String img : image_url) {

    ArrayList android_version = new ArrayList<>();

    for (int i = 0; i < image_url.length; i++) {
        MagazineVersion magazineVersion = new MagazineVersion();
    return android_version;

Code for downloadImages is as follows :- downloadImages的代码如下:-

public void downloadImages(String img_url) {
    String fileName = img_url.substring(img_url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, img_url.length());
    File file = new File("/storage/emulated/0/.shatayushi/.images" + fileName);

    if (file.exists() && !file.isDirectory()) {
        Log.d("ImageExists", fileName);

        new DownloadImagesAsync().execute(img_url);

I would like to know how can I use the downloaded images instead of the one's stored on the server.Something as simple as:- 我想知道如何使用下载的图像而不是存储在服务器上的图像。

if(Images exist in .images folder)
    //use picasso to display the images stored in the device 
    //use picasso to display the images stored on the server
Picasso.with(context).load(magazineVersions.get(position).getMagazine_image_url()).resize(400, 500).into(holder.iv_magazine);

Used the Android Universal Image-Loader This is best images store in cache memory 使用了Android Universal Image-Loader,这是存储在缓存中的最佳图像

Declare 宣布

    private ImageLoader imageLoader1;

On Create 创建时

 imageLoader1 = ImageLoader.getInstance();


no_image here a drawable image without any image load in Cache no_image这里是可绘制的图像,缓存中未加载任何图像

            options = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder()
            .showImageOnLoading(R.drawable.no_image) // resource or drawable
            .showImageForEmptyUri(R.drawable.no_image) // resource or drawable

    imageLoader1.displayImage(yourpath.replace(" ", "%20"), ivprofile, options);

You Can Use Piccaso Also for this store image in cache memory for this used also okhttp... used this... 您也可以将Piccaso用于此缓存中的存储图像,也可以用于okhttp ...用于此...

 if (imageURL != null) {

also compile with Okhttp .... 也可以用Okhttp编译。

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