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警告:对象定义运算符 == 或运算符 != 但不会覆盖 Object.Equals(object o)

[英]Warning: Object defines operator == or operator != but does not override Object.Equals(object o)

I'm programming in C# Unity and have really annoying problem - I want to define special Pair class with following relations:我在 C# Unity 中编程并且遇到了非常烦人的问题 - 我想定义具有以下关系的特殊 Pair 类:

public class Pair<T1>{
    public int First;
    public T1 Second;

    public bool Equals(Pair<T1> b){
        return First == b.First;

    public static bool operator==(Pair<T1> a, Pair<T1> b){
        return a.First == b.First;
    public static bool operator!=(Pair<T1> a, Pair<T1> b){
        return a.First != b.First;

Which gives me following warning:这给了我以下警告:

Warning CS0660: 'Pair' defines operator == or operator != but does not override Object.Equals(object o) (CS0660) (Assembly-CSharp)警告 CS0660:“Pair”定义运算符 == 或运算符 != 但不覆盖 Object.Equals(object o) (CS0660) (Assembly-CSharp)

But also when I spawn two objects of Pair type with same First integer, their == operator returns True (as I want).但是,当我生成两个具有相同 First 整数的Pair类型对象时,它们的==运算符返回True (如我所愿)。 When I only declare Equals function, same == operator returns False value (I understand that somehow Unity compares their addressees in memory), with no warnings.当我只声明 Equals 函数时,相同的==运算符返回False值(我知道 Unity 以某种方式比较内存中的收件人),没有警告。 Is there any method to avoid warnings and still get True value of == operator?是否有任何方法可以避免警告并仍然获得==运算符的True值?

Just override that method to make the compiler happy :只需覆盖该方法即可使编译器满意:

public override bool Equals(object o)
   if(o == null)
       return false;

   var second = o as Pair<T1>;

   return second != null && First == second.First;

public override int GetHashCode()
    return First;

The method you created is a custom equals method, you need to override that of the object class (which is used in the == && != operators)您创建的方法是自定义的 equals 方法,您需要覆盖对象类的方法(在 == && != 运算符中使用)

You need to override the Equal :您需要覆盖Equal

public override bool Equals(object obj)
    if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
    if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;
    if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) return false;
        return Equals((Pair<T1>) obj);

And the GetHashCode method:GetHashCode方法:

public override int GetHashCode()
        return (First*397) ^ EqualityComparer<T1>.Default.GetHashCode(Second);

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