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[英]canvas animate drawing lines

I have a JSON file with bunch of points that i wanted to slowly draw. 我有一个我想慢慢画点的JSON文件。 I have read a tutorial but this just draw one line. 我读过一个教程,但这只是画一条线。 But what I want is to draw several lines by order (draw one first then other) and with different start points. 但是我想要的是按顺序绘制几条线(先绘制一条然后再绘制另一条),并使用不同的起点。 Here is the JSON file: 这是JSON文件:

  "data": [
      "line": {
        "color": "#96c23b",
        "points": [
            "x": 1,
            "y": 2
            "x": 2,
            "y": 3
            "x": 4,
            "y": 5
            "x": 7,
            "y": 8
        "width": 2.0
      "type": "line",
      "line_id": "1"
      "line": {
        "color": "#DF5453",
        "points": [
            "x": 33,
            "y": 34
            "x": 34,
            "y": 35
            "x": 38,
            "y": 39
            "x": 40,
            "y": 42
            "x": 45,
            "y": 46
        "width": 5.0
      "type": "line",
      "line_id": "2"

The speed of drawing does not matter. 绘制速度无关紧要。

I know how to parse the JSON and draw the lines in canvas without animation. 我知道如何解析JSON并在没有动画的情况下在画布上绘制线条。 Here is the code with jQuery: 这是jQuery的代码:

var points_list =  {"data":[

function drawLines() {
    var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"),
    context = canvas.getContext("2d");

    $.each(points_list.data, function (key, value) {
        var info = value.line;
        var color = info.color;
        var width = info.width;
        var points = info.points;

        context.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y);
        context.lineWidth = width;
        context.strokeStyle = color;
        context.fillStyle = color;

        for (var p = 1; p < points.length; p++) {
            context.lineTo(points[p].x, points[p].y);

Here is an example of tracking the positions of the outerList and the innerList using variables. 这是一个使用变量跟踪outerList和innerList位置的示例。 The outerlist (points_list.data) is tracked using lineIndexB the innerList (points_list.data.line.points) is tracked using lineIndexA. 使用lineIndexB跟踪外部列表(points_list.data),使用lineIndexA跟踪innerList(points_list.data.line.points)。

Each time the function drawLines fires, the next line segment is drawn, then the lineIndexA variable is incremented. 每次函数drawLines触发时,都会绘制下一个线段,然后增加lineIndexA变量。 If the line segment is complete, then lineIndexB is incremented. 如果线段完整,则lineIndexB递增。

This is using the setTimeout function to make the animation work, it could easily be converted to requestAnimationFrame. 这是使用setTimeout函数使动画工作的,可以很容易地将其转换为requestAnimationFrame。

 var points_list = {"data":[ {"line":{"color":"#96c23b","points":[{"x":1,"y":2},{"x":2,"y":3},{"x":4,"y":5},{"x":7,"y":8}],"width":2.0},"type":"line","line_id":"1"}, {"line":{"color":"#DF5453","points":[{"x":33,"y":34},{"x":34,"y":35},{"x":38,"y":39},{"x":40,"y":42},{"x":45,"y":46}],"width":5.0},"type":"line","line_id":"2"} ]}; var lineIndexA = 1; var lineIndexB = 0; var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); canvas.width = 500; canvas.height = 500; var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); function drawLines() { var value = points_list.data[lineIndexB]; var info = value.line; var color = info.color; var width = info.width; var points = info.points; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(points[lineIndexA-1].x, points[lineIndexA-1].y); context.lineWidth = width; context.strokeStyle = color; context.fillStyle = color; context.lineTo(points[lineIndexA].x, points[lineIndexA].y); context.stroke(); lineIndexA = lineIndexA + 1; if (lineIndexA>points.length-1) { lineIndexA = 1; lineIndexB = lineIndexB + 1; } //stop the animation if the last line is exhausted... if (lineIndexB>points_list.data.length-1) return; setTimeout(function() { drawLines() }, 1000); } drawLines(); 
 <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> 

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