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[英]Properly using a custom variable type (struct) in class

I'm trying to think through a new class I'm trying to implement, and have an idea that I'm not sure is good or bad. 我正在尝试通过正在尝试实施的新课程来思考,并不确定自己是好是坏。 I want to create a class that holds device settings (ex. inch vs. metric) as well as codes that correspond to the settings. 我想创建一个包含设备设置(例如英寸与公制)以及对应于设置的代码的类。 I think it would be nice to have code that looks like this: 我认为最好有这样的代码:

Device myDevice = new Device();
myDevice.units = Device.Inches;
myDevice.MoveTo(1,2,3, Device.Rapid);

and the Device class file would be: 设备类文件将是:

class Device
    public static DeviceUnit Inches = DeviceUnit("G21");
    public static DeviceUnit Metric = DeviceUnit("G20");

    public static DeviceMovement Rapid = DeviceMovement("G00");
    public static DeviceMovement Feed = DeviceMovement("G01");

    public DeviceUnit units;
    public Device()
        // Default to metric system
        units = Device.Metric;
    public Device(DeviceUnit customUnit)
        units = customUnit;

    public MoveTo(float x, float y, float z, DeviceMovement movement)
        string command = string.Format($"{units.gcode} {movement.gcode} ");
        command += string.Format($"X{x} Y{y} Z{z}\r\n");

Device Unit struct: 设备单元结构:

public struct DeviceUnit
    public string gcode;
    public DeviceUnit(string code)
        gcode = code;

DeviceMovement struct: DeviceMovement结构:

public struct DeviceMovement 
    public string gcode;
    public DeviceUnit(string code)
        gcode = code;

My worry is I might end up being 'overkill' on the amount of structs I use. 我担心的是,我最终可能会在使用的结构数量上被“过度杀伤”。 Already I'm thinking I should make another to store Incremental (G90) vs Absolute (G91) positioning. 我已经在考虑应该另外存储增量(G90)与绝对(G91)定位。 I'd like to make this flexible so that in the future I can load the gcode strings from an XML configuration file so that I can quickly create new XML files for new machine configurations. 我想使其具有灵活性,以便将来可以从XML配置文件中加载gcode字符串,以便为新的计算机配置快速创建新的XML文件。

Is using multiple structs too overkill for this task? 使用多个结构对于此任务而言是否过于矫kill过正?
Should I combine the structs together somehow? 我应该以某种方式将结构结合在一起吗?

The struct have a meaning if it has multi properties that represent complex object. 如果结构具有表示复杂对象的多个属性,则该结构具有含义。

I find that your struct DeviceUnit, DeviceMovement are only one property of type string, so why struct ? 我发现您的结构DeviceUnit,DeviceMovement只是字符串类型的一个属性,那么为什么是struct?

let DeviceUnit, DeviceMovement string property. 让DeviceUnit,DeviceMovement字符串属性。 but wait :) 可是等等 :)

Q: Is using multiple structs too overkill for this task?

A: No, Struct is not overkill if it is used to describe an object (which may be complex device property) with many properties. 答:不可以,如果Struct用于描述具有许多属性的对象(可能是复杂的设备属性),则它并不是多余的。

example: 例:

  public struct Dimension
   //avoid using constructor. You can initialize with object initializer
  public int x;
  public int y;
  public int z;  

for example: All devices of windows are stored in WMI classes like The Win32_Printer WMI which has more than 40 property, and most of properties are a complex object. 例如:Windows的所有设备都存储在WMI类中,例如Win32_Printer WMI,它具有40多个属性,并且大多数属性是一个复杂的对象。

q: Should I combine the structs together somehow?

A: simply you define a class named Device which have properties and method. 答:您只需定义一个名为Device的类,它具有属性和方法。 If one of the properties is a complex object, it should be of type struct or class. 如果属性之一是复杂对象,则其类型应为struct或class。 You build Object model for the device , so select the type of the properties carefully. 您为设备构建对象模型 ,因此请仔细选择属性的类型。 but in your code , really your are not in need to the struct at all , use simple properties like: 但是在您的代码中,实际上您根本不需要该结构,请使用简单的属性,例如:

 public static string Inches {get;set;} = "G21"; // in c#6 you can initialize properties

My Question: Why Static properties? 我的问题:为什么选择静态属性?

My Question: Why you initialize properties with default values. 我的问题:为什么用默认值初始化属性。

A: You can create xml file for every device and load it during object instantiation, and this give you more capability: 答:您可以为每个设备创建xml文件并在对象实例化期间加载它,这为您提供了更多功能:

Use one class (or more specialized classes) to represent your device You can add the following method to your device class: 使用一个或多个专业类表示您的设备您可以将以下方法添加到您的设备类中:

 public LoadDevice(string xmlFilename)
     // read xml file , e.g Linq to xml 
     // set properties

Here your ceiling is the sky :)

BTW, you should use new keyword if the struct has constructor. 顺便说一句,如果结构具有构造函数,则应使用new关键字。 so it should: 因此应该:

public static DeviceUnit Inches = new  DeviceUnit("G21");  //:)

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