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C ++中的二进制搜索排序和索引

[英]Binary Search sorting and indexing in C++

Question: Given an array (ArrayInts) compute the sum of all the even integers, the odd integers, and search the array for the target value of the sum of the sum of all odd integers using Binary Search. 问题:给定一个数组(ArrayInts),计算所有偶数和,奇数整数的和,并使用Binary Search在数组中搜索所有奇数整数和的目标值。 If the target value was found within the array, display array index at which target value was found, otherwise display target not found. 如果在数组内找到目标值,则显示找到目标值的数组索引,否则显示未找到目标。

I'm not getting the correct answers. 我没有得到正确的答案。 I don't believe the Array I want to be read is being read. 我不相信我要读取的数组正在读取。 When I compile, I get that the Array is {6487456}, the sum of even numbers is 678, the odds, 549, and Target not found for the Binary Search. 编译时,我得到的数组是{6487456},偶数之和是678,赔率是549,未找到二进制搜索目标。 Here's my code right now: 现在是我的代码:

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

double ArrayInts[]={54,152,99,-8,3,19,-11,260,27,-4,10,12,15,58,480,60};
int Bin_Search(double ArrayInts[],int low, int high, double target);

int main(void)
int i,j,n=16,sum_even,sum_odd, index,len;
double ArrayInts[16]={54,152,99,-8,3,19,-11,260,27,-4,10,12,15,58,480,60}, target;

//Implemeting Bubble sort
        if (ArrayInts[j]>ArrayInts[j+1])

//Function call to add even and odd numbers from array


printf("The array is {%d}\n",ArrayInts);
printf("The sum of all even numbers in the array is: %d\n",sum_even);
printf("The sum of all odd numbers in the array is: %d\n",sum_odd);

//Function call to search for target value
index = Bin_Search(ArrayInts,0,15,target); 

if(index != -1)
printf("Target found at index %d\n", index);
printf("Target was not found\n");

return (0);

int Bin_Search(double ArrayInts[],int low, int high, double target)
int mid;

if (low>high)
    return -1;


else if (ArrayInts[mid]<target)
    return Bin_Search(ArrayInts, mid+1, high, target);
    return Bin_Search(ArrayInts, low, mid-1, target);     

sum_even is not initialized. sum_even未初始化。

sum_odd is not initialized. sum_odd未初始化。

target is not initialized. target未初始化。

None of these variables are initialized. 这些变量均未初始化。 As such, this results in undefined behavior. 因此,这导致未定义的行为。

Given that this is allegedly c++ , use std::sort to sort your array, instead of coding your own sort. 假设这是c++ ,请使用std::sort对数组进行排序,而不是对自己的排序进行编码。 If this is really C , use qsort(3) instead. 如果这确实是C ,请改用qsort(3)

With range/V3 , it would be: 使用range / V3 ,它将是:

std::vector<int> v = {54,152,99,-8,3,19,-11,260,27,-4,10,12,15,58,480,60, 480-163};
auto is_even = [](int i) {return i % 2 == 0;};
auto is_odd = [](int i) {return i % 2 == 1;};

const auto even_sum = ranges::v3::accumulate(v | ranges::v3::view::filter(is_even), 0);
const auto odd_sum = ranges::v3::accumulate(v | ranges::v3::view::filter(is_odd), 0);
const auto target = 27;
auto found = ranges::v3::binary_search(v, target);

std::cout << "The sum of all even numbers in the array is:" << even_sum << std::endl;
std::cout << "The sum of all odd numbers in the array is:" << odd_sum << std::endl;
std::cout << target << (found ? " Found" : " Not found") << std::endl;

Demo 演示版

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