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二进制搜索和按字母顺序对数组排序C ++

[英]Binary Search and Sorting an Array by alphabetical order C++

I have a dynamic array which contains a contact number and name. 我有一个动态数组,其中包含联系电话和姓名。 I was wondering how to do a binary search for the name. 我想知道如何对名称进行二进制搜索。 Let's say I have 20 contacts and I want to find the number of the contact with name "John" . 假设我有20位联系人,并且我想查找名称为"John"的联系人的号码。

Here is the data structure: 这是数据结构:

struct Contact
    int ContactNumber,Fax;
    string Name, Email;
    PhoneNumber Phone;
    Address anAddress;

I have: 我有:

Contact * ptrFirst = & arrofCont[0];
Contact * ptrLast = & arrofCont[MAX - 1];

that contains the contact name and number and address etc. I guess those can be used as a first and last but don't know where to go from there. 其中包含联系人姓名,电话号码和地址等。我想这些可以用作第一个和最后一个,但不知道从那里去哪里。

You don't need to sort or binary search your array to do what you want. 您无需对数组进行排序或二进制搜索即可完成所需的操作。
Just use std::find_if . 只需使用std::find_if

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

struct Company
    std::string name ;
    std::string number ;    

struct HasName
    HasName (const std::string &name) : name (name) {}
    bool operator () (const Company &company) {
        return company.name == name ;

    std::string name ;

int main (void)
    std::vector <Company> companies ;
    // Fill up the vector...

    std::vector <Company>::const_iterator citer ;
    citer = std::find_if (companies.cbegin (), companies.cend (), HasName ("John")) ;

    if (citer != companies.cend ()) {
        std::cout << citer->number << "\n" ;

    return 0 ;

Here is an example that uses a lambda expression to compare a pair of elements of the array It corresponds to your original post before you updated it. 这是一个使用lambda表达式比较数组中的一对元素的示例。它对应于更新之前的原始帖子。

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>

struct Contact
   std::string name;
   int number;

int main()
    const size_t N = 3; // or N = 20 or you can use name MAX instead of N
    Contact *p = new Contact[N] { { "B", 2 }, { "A", 1 }, { "C", 3 } };

    auto less_by_name = []( const Contact &c1, const Contact &c2 ) 
        return ( c1.name < c2.name ); 

    std::sort( p, p + N, less_by_name);

    auto it = std::lower_bound( p, p + N, Contact( { "B", 0 } ), less_by_name );

    if ( it != p + N ) std::cout << "The number of \"B\" is " << it->number << std::endl;

    delete []p;

Or you can make the functor as a member of your class. 或者,您可以使函子成为班级的成员。 For example 例如

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>

struct Contact
   std::string name;
   int number;
   static bool less_by_name( const Contact &c1, const Contact &c2 )
        return ( c1.name < c2.name );

int main()
    const size_t N = 3; // or N = 20 or you can use name MAX instead of N
    Contact *p = new Contact[N] { { "B", 2 }, { "A", 1 }, { "C", 3 } };

    std::sort( p, p + N, Contact::less_by_name);

    auto it = std::lower_bound( p, p + N, Contact( { "B", 0 } ), Contact::less_by_name );

    if ( it != p + N ) std::cout << "The number of \"B\" is " << it->number << std::endl;

    delete []p; 

As for your definitions 至于你的定义

Contact * ptrFirst = & arrofCont[0];
Contact * ptrLast = & arrofCont[MAX - 1];

then if you will change them the following way 那么如果您将通过以下方式更改它们

Contact * ptrFirst = arrofCont;
Contact * ptrLast  = arrofCont + MAX;

then they will correspond to 然后它们将对应

Contact * ptrFirst = p;
Contact * ptrLast  = p + N;

relative to my examples of code. 相对于我的代码示例。

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