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[英]Is there a good way to handle nand corruption because of large amount of log messages (rsyslog used) in linux?

I am having an issue related to NAND corruption because of the big amount of log messages being written (i cannot control the amount of logs), so the amount of writes are corrupting the NAND, or that is what has been found, so, my question is, can i handle or does it exist a good way to handle NAND corruption because of large amounts of messages being written?,some kind of buffering or other method?. 由于写入了大量的日志消息(我无法控制日志的数量),所以我遇到了与NAND损坏相关的问题,因此写入的数量正在破坏NAND,或者就是这样发现了,所以,问题是,我是否可以处理由于写入大量消息而存在的处理NAND损坏的好方法?或者某种缓冲或其他方法? OS: Android 4.2.2, Kernel: 3.4 操作系统:Android 4.2.2,内核:3.4

Are you absolutely sure it's the log that's corrupting the NAND? 您是否绝对确定是破坏NAND的日志? I've answered your questions as stated but I'd also recommend replacing the device because NAND corruption is often caused by odd issues related to over/under power and heat. 如上所述,我已经回答了您的问题,但我也建议您更换设备,因为NAND损坏通常是由与功率过高/过低和热量和热量不足相关的奇怪问题引起的。

If you have root there's a fair amount of solutions. 如果您有扎根,那么有很多解决方案。

  1. You can symlink the log location to somewhere else (like an SD card) if you actually need them and while it doesn't solve the corruption issue it does move the issue to somewhere else so it doesn't damage the device and require reflashing 如果您确实需要日志位置,则可以将其链接到其他位置(例如SD卡),虽然它不能解决损坏问题,但确实可以将问题移到其他地方,因此不会损坏设备并需要刷新

  2. You can make the log location read only so that nothing can ever be written into the folder/the individual log file assuming that they aren't rotated. 您可以将日志位置设置为只读,以使任何内容都不会写入文件夹/单个日志文件中。

  3. Go nuclear: make the whole partition read only. 走向核:将整个分区设为只读。 While not recommended it will put a stop to anything else that could also be writing excessive amounts of data however this has the notable side effect of breaking a massive amount of system and user apps. 尽管不建议这样做,但它会阻止可能还会写入大量数据的所有其他事件,但这会破坏大量的系统和用户应用程序,并具有明显的副作用。

You definitely have some options here however they're all pretty hacky and bound to cause other issues depending on which severity you go for. 您肯定在这里有一些选择,但是它们都非常笨拙,并且根据您要解决的严重性而定会导致其他问题。 I'd recommend going down the list and switching out if you still have the issue. 如果您仍然遇到问题,建议您从列表中选择并退出。

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