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[英]Components gets the wrong props when clicking links in React-router

I'm working on a simple User page where each user has their own profile. 我正在一个简单的用户页面上,每个用户都有自己的个人资料。 The profile page works on initial load. 配置文件页面在初始加载时起作用。

However, if I am currently viewing the profile of user1 then click a link to take me to user2 , the profile page will still load user1 because this.props.params haven't updated yet. 但是,如果我当前正在查看user1的配置文件,然后单击链接将我带到user2 ,则配置文件页面仍将加载user1,因为this.props.params尚未更新。 If I click the link twice, then the profile of user2 will show up. 如果我单击链接两次,则将显示user2的配置文件。 I need help getting this to work correctly 我需要帮助以使其正常工作

Here, code speaks more than words: 在这里,代码比单词更能说明问题:

var { Router, Route, Redirect, IndexRoute, IndexLink, Link, hashHistory, browserHistory } = ReactRouter;
var browserHistory = ReactRouter.browserHistory;

var Profile = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function() {
        return {
            userName: '',
            userId: '',
            displayName: ''
    setProfile: function() {
        $.post('/api/v1/rest/getUser', {username: this.props.params.name}, function (result) {
            if(!result.error) {
                    userName: result.seo_name,
                    userId: result.member_id,
                    displayName: result.display_name
    componentDidMount: function() {
    componentWillReceiveProps: function() {
    render: function() {
        return (

var MainLayout = React.createClass({
    render() {
        return (
            <div className="application">
                    <Link to="/profile/user1">User 1</Link>
                    <Link to="/profile/user2">User 2</Link>

    <Router history={ReactRouter.browserHistory}>
        <Route component={MainLayout}>
            <Route name="profile" path="/profile/:name" title={'Viewing profile'} component={Profile} />
), document.getElementById('application'));

As you can see I'm using jquery for ajax calls, and I've added two links for testing in the nav of the MainLayout component. 如您所见,我正在使用jquery进行ajax调用,并且在MainLayout组件的导航栏中添加了两个测试链接。 Every time I go to a new profile, I want to re-run the ajax call and fetch new profile information instantly. 每次转到新的个人资料时,我都想重新运行ajax调用并立即获取新的个人资料信息。

Another short question: Inside the MainLayout component, I'm printing the title of the page in the header using props defined on the Route element ( this.props.children.props.route.title ). 另一个简短的问题:在MainLayout组件内,我正在使用Route元素( this.props.children.props.route.title )上定义的道具在页眉中打印页面标题。 This currently says "Viewing profile". 当前显示“正在查看个人资料”。 I want it to say "Viewing profile of Username", where Username is a variable. 我希望它说“查看用户名的配置文件”,其中用户名是一个变量。 I couldn't figure out a clean react way to do this (appending something to the title of a parent component). 我想不出一个干净的反应方式来做到这一点(在父组件的标题后面添加一些内容)。

here two suggestions: 这里有两个建议:

  1. name it getProfile instead of setProfile .. 将其命名为getProfile而不是setProfile
  2. getProfile function should take a param, and not rely on the context ;) getProfile函数应该采用参数,而不是依赖于上下文;)

Solution: 解:

componentWillReceiveProps means new props are going to be set.. so they are not set yet. componentWillReceiveProps意味着将要设置新的道具。因此尚未设置。 However nextProps are available. 但是nextProps可用。

componentDidMount: function() {
  // use the name from props to get the profile

componentWillReceiveProps: function(nextProps) {
  // use the name from nextProps to get the profile

getProfile: function(name) {
    // ajax call, use the *name* param
  1. Question about the title 有关标题的问题

There is a component called Helmet, its specially to change those things like title 有一个名为Helmet的组件,它专门用于更改标题等内容

https://github.com/nfl/react-helmet https://github.com/nfl/react-helmet

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