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[英]Hide menu and redirect when clicking on react-router Link

For the menu of my site I am using links. 对于我网站的菜单,我正在使用链接。 When clicked on menu hamburger icon a hover over menu appears which is a checkbox. 单击菜单汉堡包图标时,将出现一个悬停在菜单上的复选框。 Now I want to hide the menu after i click a Link and go to another page. 现在,我想在单击链接并转到另一个页面后隐藏菜单。 But the menu doesnt close, the page behind the menu changes which is good. 但是菜单没有关闭,菜单后面的页面发生了变化,这很好。 I setup a function which changes the checkbox state to false but it doesn't hide the menu when a Link is clicked. 我设置了一个将复选框状态更改为false的函数,但是单击“链接”时它不会隐藏菜单。

constructor(props) {
  this.state = {
    hamburger: false
  this.turnOff= this.turnOff.bind(this);

turnOff = (e) => {

in render() i have: 在render()中,我有:

<input name="hamburger" type="checkbox" id="menuToggle" onChange={this.handleChange} checked={this.state.hamburger} className="menu-toggle-input"></input>
<Link to="/about" onClick={this.turnOff}>About</Link>

When i click on link it loads the page on the background but the menu does not close and i get an error in console: 当我单击链接时,它将在后台加载页面,但菜单没有关闭,并且在控制台中出现错误:

Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component. 无法在已卸载的组件上执行React状态更新。

The issue is this, 问题是这样的

<Link to="/about" onClick={this.turnOff}>About</Link>

When you click on Link , it will not wait till any associated click handler executes, in your case onClick={this.turnOff} . 当您单击Link ,它不会等到任何关联的单击处理程序执行onClick={this.turnOff} (在您的情况下为onClick={this.turnOff} It will directly navigates to component with path /about and your component unmounts . 它将直接导航到路径为/about组件,并且组件将unmounts After component unmounts , your turnOff function tries to change state which is not possible. 组件unmounts ,您的turnOff函数会尝试更改状态,这是不可能的。

Instead of Link you can have simple button (styled as link), 除了Link您还可以使用简单的button (样式为链接),

<button onClick={this.turnOff}>About</button> 

You can make use of Redirect from react-router-dom package, in callback of setState. 您可以在setState的回调中使用react-router-dom包中的Redirect

Your function should be, 您的功能应该是

turnOff = (e) => {
    this.setState({hamburger:false}, () => <Redirect to="/about" />);

Update 更新资料

You can make use of history object, 您可以利用history对象,

turnOff = (e) => {
    this.setState({hamburger:false}, () => this.props.history.push('/about'));

You need to import withRouter from react-router-dom and wrap your component with same. 您需要从react-router-dom导入withRouter并用相同的组件包装。

import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';

export default withRouter(Your_Component_name)

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