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[英]Ubercart unable to send email

Upon completion of checkout I am getting the error message unable to send email: contact-site administrator if the problem persists . 结帐完成后,我收到unable to send email: contact-site administrator if the problem persists的错误消息unable to send email: contact-site administrator if the problem persists When I check the dblog I get full error message is Error sending e-mail (from Site Name <nameA@site.com> to nameA@site.com). 当我检查dblog时,我收到完整的错误消息是Error sending e-mail (from Site Name <nameA@site.com> to nameA@site.com). . It seems to me that the problem could be related to the fact they they are trying to send the email to the same person as it is from. 在我看来,问题可能与他们试图将电子邮件发送给同一个人的事实有关。

What baffles me about this is that I am logged in as the administrator and it's my email as the site administrator and nameA is listed as the email on the store configurations. 让我感到困惑的是,我以管理员身份登录,这是我作为站点管理员的电子邮件,而nameA在商店配置中列为电子邮件。

The webform email is working fine (I am using the SMTP module) 网络表单电子邮件运行正常(我正在使用SMTP模块)

It turns out that my issue was with the SMTP authentication configuration. 原来,我的问题与SMTP身份验证配置有关。 Once I got that straightened out and change the site administration email to match that on the SMTP authentication configuration it worked just fine. 一旦弄清楚了,并更改站点管理电子邮件以使其与SMTP身份验证配置上的电子邮件匹配,它就可以正常工作。

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