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[英]How to apply the apply the RenderTransform in code behind in c#?

I am new for RenderTransform, I need to apply the below RenderTransform in code behind(C#)我是 RenderTransform 的新手,我需要在后面的代码中应用以下 RenderTransform(C#)

         <CompositeTransform x:Name="visualCoinatiner_transform" />

Any suggestion on this?对此有何建议?

We can apply the RenderTransform in code behind like below code,我们可以像下面的代码一样在后面的代码中应用 RenderTransform,

private CompositeTransform _compositeTransform;
_compositeTransform = new CompositeTransform();
this.RenderTransform = _compositeTransform;

yes, thank you for this answer.是的,谢谢你的回答。 Just to build on it a little, flip a MediaPlayerElement both horizontally and vertically:只是为了建立一点,水平和垂直翻转 MediaPlayerElement:

thisMPElement = Canvas.FindName("NameOfXAMLElement") as MediaPlayerElement;
var cp = new CompositeTransform()
    ScaleX = -1,
    ScaleY = -1
thisMPElement.RenderTransform = cp;

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