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[英]How to pre-order drupal commerce product when it is out of stock?

I am using Drupal Commerce 7 module. 我正在使用Drupal Commerce 7模块。 How it is possible to pre-order commerce product even it is showing out of stock ? 即使商品显示缺货,也如何预订商品? For example - product will be shown out of stock but customer can pre-order that product and give payment, so when the product is available we can deliver it to customer. 例如-产品将显示为无货,但客户可以预购该产品并付款,因此,当产品可用时,我们可以将其交付给客户。 Is this possible, by which drupal module? 通过哪个drupal模块可以做到吗?

Normally the functionality to prevent an out of stock product to be added to the cart is a rule . 通常,防止将缺货产品添加到购物车的功能是有规则的 So to add an out of stock product to the cart you have these options: 因此,要将缺货产品添加到购物车,您可以使用以下选项:

1) Edit/Override the related rule. 1)编辑/覆盖相关规则。

2) Use a contrib module (that does the same thing) such as commerce_stock , commerce_preorder etc. 2)使用contrib模块(具有相同的功能),例如commerce_stockcommerce_preorder等。

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