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[英]Create array of array Schema using mongoose for NodeJS

I want to create a DB Schema to store the data as below 我想创建一个DB Schema来存储数据,如下所示

    name : "xyz",
    admin : "admin",
    expense : [ 
                jan: [{expenseObject},{expenseObject}], 
                feb: [[{expenseObject},{expenseObject}]

Expense Object 费用对象

var expenseSchema = new Schema({
    particular : String,
    date : {type : Date, default: Date.now},
    paid_by : String,
    amount : Number

Can someone help me create a schema for the same. 有人可以帮我创建相同的架构。

Any suggestions for a better Schema for the same concept are welcome. 欢迎任何有关同一概念的更好Schema的建议。

You can use Sub Docs 您可以使用子文档

var parentSchema = new Schema({
  name: { type: String },
  admin: { type: String },
  expense: [expenseSchema]

Or, if you need the expenseObjects to be stored in a seperate collection you can use refs , where Expense would be the name of another model 或者,如果您需要将expenseObjects存储在单独的集合中,您可以使用refs ,其中Expense将是另一个模型的名称

var parentSchema = new Schema({
  name: { type: String },
  admin: { type: String },
  expense: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Expense' }],
var expenseSchema = new Schema({
  particular : String,
  date : {type : Date, default: Date.now},
  paid_by : String,
  amount : Number

// your schema
var mySchema = new Schema({
   name : {type: String, trim: true},
   admin : {type: String, trim: true},
   expense: [expenseSchema]

--- UPDATE: ---更新:

With this update now expense is an array of expenseSchema without any categorisation of month. 现在,此更新expense是一个expenseSchema数组,没有任何月份分类。 Then if you want to get all expenses in a particular month you can simply do an aggregation like this: 然后,如果您想获得特定月份的所有费用,您可以简单地进行如下聚合:

   // this match is for search the user
   { $match: { name: "<ADMIN NAME>"} },
   // this unwind all expenses of the user selected before
   { $unwind: "$expense" },
   // this project the month number with the expense
     $project: {
      expense: 1, 
      month: {$month: '$expense.date'}
   // this search all the expenses in a particular month (of the user selected before)
   { $match: { month: 8 } },
   // this is optional, it's for group the result by _id of the user
   //(es {_id:.., expenses: [{}, {}, ...]}. Otherwise the result is a list of expense
    $group: {
      expenses: { $addToSet: "$expense"}

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