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[英]Returning empty array in NodeJs using mongoose

I am trying to fill an array with records from a mongoDB database using mongoose. 我正在尝试使用mongoose用mongoDB数据库中的记录填充数组。 When I am trying to fill the records. 当我尝试填写记录时。 It shows an empty array outside the function even though I am declaring the outside the function. 即使我在函数外部声明,它也会在函数外部显示一个空数组。 Below is the code. 下面是代码。

var saveMessageToVariable = function(){
    var records = [];
    var spark_ids = [];
    var obj = new Object();
    Message.find().distinct("spark_id").exec(function(err,data) {
        data.forEach(function (id) {
            if(id != null)
      //  console.log(spark_ids.length);
                    obj.spark_id = data.spark_id;
                    obj.meesage = data.message;
                    obj.date = data.date;
                    obj.message_id = data._id;




When I run this, the log is showing an empty array. 当我运行此命令时,日志显示一个空数组。 How do I resolve this issue? 我该如何解决这个问题?

It's an asynchronous call and as soon as data is fetched from database control shifts to next line and therefore prints the initial value, I would prefer you to use a callback like this: 这是一个异步调用,一旦从数据库控件中获取数据并转移到下一行,并因此打印初始值,我希望您使用这样的回调:

                    obj.spark_id = data.spark_id;
                    obj.meesage = data.message;
                    obj.date = data.date;
                    obj.message_id = data._id;



You two other approachs for this: 您还有另外两种方法:

1) use try and catch block. 1)使用try and catch块。

2) use async and await keyword. 2)使用async和await关键字。

Cheers! 干杯!

I don't have much experience with moongoose, but according to the docs it supports promises since Version 4. 我对Moongoose的经验并不多,但是根据文档显示,它从版本4开始就支持诺言。

Then this should work: 然后这应该工作:

//I assume you'll need this more often
function notNull(value){ return value != null; }

//returns a promise of the records-Array
var saveMessageToVariable = function(){ 

    //returns a promise of a formated message
    function getMessage( spark_id ){
        return Message.findOne({ spark_id })
            .sort({ date: -1 })
            .then( formatMessage )

    function formatMessage( msg ){
        return {
            spark_id:   msg.spark_id,
            message:    msg.message,
            date:       msg.date,
            message_id: msg._id

    return Message.find()
        .then(function( ids ){
            //waits for all findOnes to complete, then returns an Array
            return Promise.all(
                ids.filter( notNull ).map( getMessage ) 

I'm not sure, wether you need exec() in this code or not. 我不确定,是否需要在此代码中使用exec() You should check that. 您应该检查一下。


btw. 顺便说一句 saveMessageToVariable doesn't reflect at all what this function does. saveMessageToVariable完全不反映此功能的作用。 You should choose a better name. 您应该选择一个更好的名称。

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