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[英]Editing multiple tag data in XML via batch

    (for /F "delims=" %%a in (Settings.xml) do (
       set "line1=%%a"
       set "newLine1=!line1:DefaultLatitude>=!"
       if "!newLine1!" neq "!line1!" (
          set "newLine1=<DefaultLocation>%newLoc%</DefaultLocation>"
       echo !newLine1!
    )) > newFile.xml
    copy newFile.xml Settings.xml

I'm using this to modify the value of DefaultLocation in Settings.xml, how can I expand this to be able to modify multiple tags within the same function? 我正在使用它来修改Settings.xml中DefaultLocation的值,如何扩展它以便能够在同一函数中修改多个标签?

At the moment I'm just copy and pasting it and it seems inefficient 目前,我只是复制并粘贴它,看来效率低下

Use an inner loop with "from|to" values ( | looks good and is unlikely to be used in your values): 使用带有"from|to"值的内部循环( |看起来不错,不太可能在您的值中使用):

(for /F "delims=" %%a in (Settings.xml) do (
    set "line=%%a"
    for %%b in (
    ) do for /f "delims=| tokens=1,2" %%c in (%%b) do (
        if "!line:%%c=!" neq "!line!" set "line=%%d"
)) > newFile.xml
  • echo. is used to correctly print empty lines 用于正确打印空行

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