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通过 PHP 在 XML<B>数据中搜索<C><B>标签

[英]Search with PHP in XML <B> Data via <C> tag

First, i know that there are already some questions aubout similar things ( Searching an XML file using PHP Load external xml file? ), but i CAN'T make ANY PHP, so the following (search.php) is what I copy-pasted in PHP:首先,我知道已经有一些关于类似事情的问题( 使用 PHP 加载外部 xml 文件搜索 XML 文件 ),但我不能制作任何 PHP,所以以下 (search.php) 是我复制粘贴的在 PHP 中:

    $search = $_POST["search"];
    $xml=simplexml_load_file("inhaltsverzeichniss.xml") or die("Error: Cannot create object");

    $result = $xml->xpath('//array/entry/tags[.="$search"]');

    while(list( , $node) = each($result)) {
        echo '/array/entry/tags: ',$node,"\n";

Then this is my HTML code (in case someone needs it):然后这是我的 HTML 代码(以防有人需要它):

<form action="search.php" method="post" >
    <input type="text" name="search" placeholder="search for stuff" >
    <input type="submit" name="search_button" value="Suche" >

and this is the XML Document I want to search in (inhaltsverzichniss.xml):这是我要搜索的 XML 文档 (inhaltsverzichniss.xml):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <url>Zeitformen Spanisch.odp</url>
    <name>Zeitformen Tabelle</name>
    <name>etwas Deutsches</name>
    <name>english things</name>
    <name>cool name</name>

What I want to do is search for tags written in the search form, and give the whole corresponding entry out.我想要做的是搜索搜索表单中写的标签,并给出整个相应的条目。 (like following: <a href"$url">$name</a><br>Tags: $tags ) (如下所示: <a href"$url">$name</a><br>Tags: $tags

EDIT: this is my current XML with entries with multiple tags (changed it to "tag"):编辑:这是我当前的 XML,其中包含多个标签的条目(将其更改为“标签”):

    <name>Zeitformen Tabelle</name>
    <name>etwas Deutsches</name>
    <name>english things</name>
    <name>cool name</name>

Quoting the PHP Manual:引用 PHP 手册:

Note: Unlike the double-quoted and heredoc syntaxes, variables and escape sequences for special characters will not be expanded when they occur in single quoted strings.注意:与双引号和heredoc 语法不同,特殊字符的变量和转义序列在出现在单引号字符串中时不会被扩展。

You are using single quotes in您正在使用单引号

$result = $xml->xpath('//array/entry/tags[.="$search"]');

but single quotes will treat the string content as literal strings.但单引号会将字符串内容视为文字字符串。 It won't interpolate $search like you think it does.它不会像您认为的那样插入$search

Change your code to将您的代码更改为

$result = $xml->xpath("//array/entry/tags[.='$search']");

and it will use the value of $search instead of the literal string "$search" .它将使用$search而不是文字字符串"$search"

However, since you want to print the full entry element, it would be better to use this XPath但是,由于您要打印完整的条目元素,因此最好使用此 XPath

$result = $xml->xpath("/array/entry[tags='$search']");

For readability I prefer为了可读性,我更喜欢

$result = $xml->xpath(sprintf('/array/entry[tags="%s"]', $search));

This will give you all the <entry> elements, instead of the <tags> elements in the $result .这将为您提供所有<entry>元素,而不是$result中的<tags>元素。 And while //array with a double slash does work, it's unneeded and performs somewhat worse than the direct path.虽然带有双斜杠的//array确实有效,但它是不需要的,并且性能比直接路径差一些。 That's because it will try to find the nodes regardless of position in the document.那是因为无论在文档中的位置如何,它都会尝试找到节点。

You can then print it like you asked for like this:然后你可以像你要求的那样打印它:

foreach ($result as $entry) {
        '<a href="%s">%s</a><br>Tags: %s%s',

Regarding your edit with multiple tag elements:关于您对多个标签元素的编辑:

The XPath above will already find the correct entries.上面的 XPath 已经可以找到正确的条目。 To display all tags, you can change the line要显示所有标签,您可以更改行


to (don't forget to adjust the xpath to read tag instead of tags):到(不要忘记调整 xpath 以读取标签而不是标签):


with the implode_tags function being defined as implode_tags 函数被定义为

function implode_tags(\SimpleXMLElement $tags) {
    $allTags = [];
    foreach ($tags as $tag) {
        $allTags[] = htmlspecialchars($tag);
    return implode(", ", $allTags);

This should then return something like "deutsch, spanisch, englisch"这应该返回类似“deutsch, spanisch, englisch”的内容

See full demo at https://eval.in/885485https://eval.in/885485查看完整演示

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