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如何将Firebase SSL证书与单独的DNS提供商一起使用

[英]How can I use a Firebase SSL Certificate with a separate DNS provider

I have a domain I purchased and manage through http://dnsimple.com My hosting is provided by http://firebase.google.com Firebase also provides SSL Certificates. 我有一个通过http://dnsimple.com购买和管理的域。我的托管服务由http://firebase.google.com提供。Firebase还提供SSL证书。

How do I use them together? 如何一起使用? I made the appropriate CNAME records requested by firebase on dnsimple. 我在dnsimple上做了firebase要求的适当的CNAME记录。 The domain foo.com resolves to https://foo.com but the browser complains that the record cannot be resolved. 域名foo.com解析为https://foo.com,但浏览器抱怨记录无法解析。 Dropping the https prefix doesn't work either. 删除https前缀也不起作用。

Use the A record option instead of the CNAME (recommended) option. 使用A记录选项而不是CNAME(推荐)选项。 Firebase configures the app to redirect to the root domain. Firebase将应用程序配置为重定向到根域。

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