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[英]How do I play an animation for twenty-seven seconds or more and load a scene in unity3d

Right now I have the script set to switch scenes when the players health gets low. 现在,我将脚本设置为在玩家健康状况下降时切换场景。 I want is the die animation to play first than scene load after twenty-eight seconds . 我想要的是在28秒后首先播放死动画而不是场景加载。 I am going to trigger the die animation . 我要触发死动画。 The die animation clip is 26.0 . 模具动画剪辑为26.0。 The load scene the going to be gameover scene . 负载场景将是游戏结束场景。 The gameover scene needs to load 28.0 or 29.0 . 游戏结束场景需要加载28.0或29.0。 Somewhere around their . 他们周围的某个地方。 Here is my code : 这是我的代码:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class Healthbar : MonoBehaviour {

    public int fontSize;

    public static int playersHealth;

    public int health;
    int healthNormalized;
    GameObject player;

    Image frame;
    Image bar;

    public int displayCritical;
    public int displayRedBar;
    public int displayYellowBar;
    public string healthMessage;
    public string criticalMessage = "Critical";
    public string playerTag;

    Text Message;
    Text Critical;

    public bool showHealthValue;
    public bool showCritical;

    public string sceneToLoad = "T";

    SpriteDatabase sd;

    public Theme chosenTheme;
    public FontNames chosenFont;

    int myTheme;
    int myFontTheme;

    public enum Positioning {

    public bool alive = true;

    //For demo purposes, store player's initial transform (so later it can be respawned there)
    Vector3 startPos;

    //used to choose between left or right alignment
    public Positioning positioning;

    //On Start, assign SpriteDatabse class to 'sd'. (Note: That class can never be missing due to the dependency system)
    //It then runs Debugger() (find it below.) It checks whether the required sprites are assigned in the inspector, etc.
    //Then, it builds hierarchy for GUI (find below)
    void Start(){
        sd = GetComponent<SpriteDatabase>();
        fontSize = Mathf.Clamp(fontSize, 5, 30);
        startPos = player.transform.position;

    //Converts health integer to float value and updates it every frame.
    //Keeps the GUI bar (image) fill amount value synchronized with the health value.
    //Note: healthNormalized cuts the number so that it's on a 100 scale like in every game (it's basically the percentage)
    void FixedUpdate(){

        if (player) {
            if (alive) {
                if (healthNormalized <= 0) {
                    alive = false;
                healthNormalized = health/10;
                //Converts health value to a float (range 0-1) so it can be used for image.fillamount
                float healthValue = health * 0.001f;
                healthValue = Mathf.Clamp(healthValue, 0, 1);

                //Checks if it's time to turn the bar color to red or yellow (replace the sprite basically)

                bar.fillAmount = healthValue;


            player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");

    void DisplayText(){
        if (showHealthValue)
            Message.text = healthMessage + ": " + healthNormalized.ToString();
        if (healthNormalized <= displayCritical && alive && showCritical) {
            Critical.enabled = true;
            Critical.enabled = false;

    //Called by every object affecting player's health.
    //Class that calls it: ApplyDamage
    //See that for more info on how to use it!
    public void ModifyHealth(int amount) {
        if (alive)
            health = health - amount;

        if  (health <= 0) {
            Debug.Log("1: sceneToLoad = " + sceneToLoad);
            if  ((sceneToLoad != "") && (SceneManager.GetSceneByName(sceneToLoad) != null)) {
                Debug.Log("2: sceneToLoad = " + sceneToLoad);
        else {
            health = Mathf.Clamp(health, 0, 1000);

Put SceneManager.LoadScene(sceneToLoad); SceneManager.LoadScene(sceneToLoad); in another function then call that function with Invoke("myfunction",25); 在另一个函数中,然后使用Invoke("myfunction",25);调用该函数Invoke("myfunction",25); . It will wait 25 seconds then call myfunction which will then load your scene by calling SceneManager.LoadScene(sceneToLoad); 它将等待25秒,然后调用myfunction ,然后将通过调用SceneManager.LoadScene(sceneToLoad);加载场景SceneManager.LoadScene(sceneToLoad); .

You can also start a coroutine and wait with yield return new WaitForSeconds(25f); 您也可以启动协程并等待yield return new WaitForSeconds(25f); then execute SceneManager.LoadScene . 然后执行SceneManager.LoadScene

As for your code, replace the ModifyHealth function with the function below: 对于您的代码,将ModifyHealth函数替换为以下函数:

public void ModifyHealth(int amount)
    if (alive)
        health = health - amount;

    if (health <= 0)
        Debug.Log("1: sceneToLoad = " + sceneToLoad);
        if ((sceneToLoad != "") && (SceneManager.GetSceneByName(sceneToLoad) != null))
            Debug.Log("2: sceneToLoad = " + sceneToLoad);
            //Play your animation

            //Call loadNewScene after 25 seconds
        health = Mathf.Clamp(health, 0, 1000);

void loadNewScene()

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