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C ++ Kinect v2和Freenect2:如何将深度数据转换为真实世界的坐标

[英]C++ Kinect v2 & freenect2: how to convert depth data to real world coordinates

I am trying to compute real world xyz coordinates using a Kinect v2 camera (in Linux), but my computation give me wrong results. 我正在尝试使用Kinect v2相机(在Linux中)计算现实世界的xyz坐标,但是我的计算给我错误的结果。

Here is the code: 这是代码:

cv::Point3f xyzWorld={0.0f};

xyzWorld.z = pointDepth;
xyzWorld.x = (float) ((float)x -(depthcx)) * xyzWorld.z / depthfx;
xyzWorld.y = (float) ((float)y - (depthcy)) * xyzWorld.z / depthfy;
xyzWorld.z = pointDepth;

return xyzWorld;

I think the problem is due to the depth value of fx , fy , cx and cy . 我认为问题是由于fxfycxcy的深度值引起的。

Can someone help me? 有人能帮我吗?

I am using freenect2. 我正在使用freenect2。

Why not just use the OpenNi implementation 为什么不只使用OpenNi实现

 OniStatus VideoStream::convertDepthToWorldCoordinates(float depthX, float depthY, float depthZ, float* pWorldX, float* pWorldY, float* pWorldZ)
    if (m_pSensorInfo->sensorType != ONI_SENSOR_DEPTH)
        m_errorLogger.Append("convertDepthToWorldCoordinates: Stream is not from DEPTH\n");

    float normalizedX = depthX / m_worldConvertCache.resolutionX - .5f;
    float normalizedY = .5f - depthY / m_worldConvertCache.resolutionY;

    OniVideoMode videoMode;
    int size = sizeof(videoMode);
    getProperty(ONI_STREAM_PROPERTY_VIDEO_MODE, &videoMode, &size);

    float const convertToMillimeters = (videoMode.pixelFormat == ONI_PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_100_UM) ? 10.f : 1.f;
    *pWorldX = (normalizedX * depthZ * m_worldConvertCache.xzFactor) / convertToMillimeters;
    *pWorldY = (normalizedY * depthZ * m_worldConvertCache.yzFactor) / convertToMillimeters;
    *pWorldZ = depthZ / convertToMillimeters;

    return ONI_STATUS_OK;


OniStatus VideoStream::convertWorldToDepthCoordinates(float worldX, float worldY, float worldZ, float* pDepthX, float* pDepthY, float* pDepthZ)
    if (m_pSensorInfo->sensorType != ONI_SENSOR_DEPTH)
        m_errorLogger.Append("convertWorldToDepthCoordinates: Stream is not from DEPTH\n");

    *pDepthX = m_worldConvertCache.coeffX * worldX / worldZ + m_worldConvertCache.halfResX;
    *pDepthY = m_worldConvertCache.halfResY - m_worldConvertCache.coeffY * worldY / worldZ;
    *pDepthZ = worldZ;
    return ONI_STATUS_OK;

and the world conversion cache : 和世界转换缓存:

 void VideoStream::refreshWorldConversionCache()
    if (m_pSensorInfo->sensorType != ONI_SENSOR_DEPTH)

    OniVideoMode videoMode;
    int size = sizeof(videoMode);
    getProperty(ONI_STREAM_PROPERTY_VIDEO_MODE, &videoMode, &size);

    size = sizeof(float);
    float horizontalFov;
    float verticalFov;
    getProperty(ONI_STREAM_PROPERTY_HORIZONTAL_FOV, &horizontalFov, &size);
    getProperty(ONI_STREAM_PROPERTY_VERTICAL_FOV, &verticalFov, &size);

    m_worldConvertCache.xzFactor = tan(horizontalFov / 2) * 2;
    m_worldConvertCache.yzFactor = tan(verticalFov / 2) * 2;
    m_worldConvertCache.resolutionX = videoMode.resolutionX;
    m_worldConvertCache.resolutionY = videoMode.resolutionY;
    m_worldConvertCache.halfResX = m_worldConvertCache.resolutionX / 2;
    m_worldConvertCache.halfResY = m_worldConvertCache.resolutionY / 2;
    m_worldConvertCache.coeffX = m_worldConvertCache.resolutionX / m_worldConvertCache.xzFactor;
    m_worldConvertCache.coeffY = m_worldConvertCache.resolutionY / m_worldConvertCache.yzFactor;

struct WorldConversionCache
        float xzFactor;
        float yzFactor;
        float coeffX;
        float coeffY;
        int resolutionX;
        int resolutionY;
        int halfResX;
        int halfResY;
    } m_worldConvertCache;

all taken from OpenNI GitHub repository 全部取自OpenNI GitHub存储库

The horizontal and vertical fov you can just get directly from the from the description of each frame. 您可以直接从每个框架的描述中获得水平和垂直视野。

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