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[英]A Python list of Numpy Arrays to CSV?

I have a Python list of Numpy arrays storing X, Y, Z coordinates - like this: 我有一个存储X,Y,Z坐标的Numpy数组的Python列表-像这样:

[array([-0.22424938,  0.16117005, -0.39249256])
array([-0.22424938,  0.16050598, -0.39249256])
array([-0.22424938,  0.1598419 , -0.39249256]) ...,
array([ 0.09214371, -0.26184322, -0.39249256])
array([ 0.09214371, -0.26250729, -0.39249256])
array([ 0.09214371, -0.26317136, -0.39249256])]

And I would like to get them into a CSV file so I can plot them in GIS software. 而且我想将它们保存为CSV文件,以便可以在GIS软件中进行绘制。 I am new to Numpy arrays and I keep getting errors using methods like numpy.ndarray.tofile(). 我是Numpy数组的新手,并且使用numpy.ndarray.tofile()之类的方法不断出错。

I can iterate the list using 我可以使用迭代列表

for item in list:

but it writes the data to the text file as binary data. 但是它将数据作为二进制数据写入文本文件。
I just want to have each XYZ value comma separated with each row storing one XYZ value. 我只想让每个XYZ值逗号分隔,每一行存储一个XYZ值。 Any help is appreciated. 任何帮助表示赞赏。

Use the csv module with its writerows method: 使用csv模块及其writerows方法:

import csv

with open('my_data.txt', 'w') as f:
    csvwriter = csv.writer(f)

np.savetxt will write the list: np.savetxt将写入列表:

In [553]: data=[array([-0.22424938,  0.16117005, -0.39249256]),
     ...: array([-0.22424938,  0.16050598, -0.39249256]),
     ...: array([-0.22424938,  0.1598419 , -0.39249256]),
     ...: array([ 0.09214371, -0.26184322, -0.39249256]),
     ...: array([ 0.09214371, -0.26250729, -0.39249256]),
     ...: array([ 0.09214371, -0.26317136, -0.39249256]),]
In [554]: np.savetxt('test.txt',data, delimiter=', ', fmt='%12.8f')
In [555]: cat test.txt
 -0.22424938,   0.16117005,  -0.39249256
 -0.22424938,   0.16050598,  -0.39249256
 -0.22424938,   0.15984190,  -0.39249256
  0.09214371,  -0.26184322,  -0.39249256
  0.09214371,  -0.26250729,  -0.39249256
  0.09214371,  -0.26317136,  -0.39249256

np.savetxt really saves an array, but converts the list to array if needed: np.savetxt实际上保存了一个数组,但是在需要时将列表转换为数组:

In [556]: np.array(data)
array([[-0.22424938,  0.16117005, -0.39249256],
       [-0.22424938,  0.16050598, -0.39249256],
       [-0.22424938,  0.1598419 , -0.39249256],
       [ 0.09214371, -0.26184322, -0.39249256],
       [ 0.09214371, -0.26250729, -0.39249256],
       [ 0.09214371, -0.26317136, -0.39249256]])

It then iterates over rows, and writes 然后,它遍历行并写入

f.write(fmt % tuple(row))

where fmt is either the full string you provide or one constructed by replicating the shorter fmt I provided. 其中fmt是您提供的完整字符串,或者是通过复制我提供的较短的fmt构建的字符串。

Effectively savetxt is doing: 实际上, savetxt在执行以下操作:

In [558]: fmt='%12.8f, %12.8f, %12.8f'
In [559]: for row in data:
     ...:     print(fmt%tuple(row))
 -0.22424938,   0.16117005,  -0.39249256
 -0.22424938,   0.16050598,  -0.39249256
 -0.22424938,   0.15984190,  -0.39249256
  0.09214371,  -0.26184322,  -0.39249256
  0.09214371,  -0.26250729,  -0.39249256
  0.09214371,  -0.26317136,  -0.39249256

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