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Node.js Readline,获取当前行号

[英]Node.js Readline, get the current line number

I have the following implementation where everything works but this line:我有以下实现,除了这一行,一切正常:

lineNumber: line.lineNumber

this line returns undefined, I am adding a full fragment of code below, my question is: Does Readline provide a standard way to get the line number somehow?此行返回未定义,我在下面添加了完整的代码片段,我的问题是:Readline 是否提供了以某种方式获取行号的标准方法? Or I have to implement my counter to keep track of the line number, which would be simple but I don't want if there's a standard way of doing it?或者我必须实现我的计数器来跟踪行号,这很简单,但我不想要这样做的标准方法吗?

* Search for occurrences of the specified pattern in the received list of files.
* @param filesToSearch - the list of files to search for the pattern
* @returns {Promise} - resolves with the information about the encountered matches for the pattern specified.
const findPattern = (filesToSearch) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
 var results = [ ];
 // iterate over the files
 for(let theFile of filesToSearch){
  let dataStream = fs.createReadStream(theFile);
  let lineReader = readLine.createInterface({
    input: dataStream

  let count = 0; // this would do the trick but I'd rather use standard approach if there's one
  // iterates over each line of the current file
  lineReader.on('line',(line) => {
    if(line.indexOf(searchPattern) > 0) {
      let currLine = line.toString();
      currLine = currLine.replace(/{/g, '');//cleanup { from string if present
        fileName: theFile,
        value: currLine,
        lineNumber: line.lineNumber //HERE: this results undefined
        //lineNumber: count // this does the trick but I'd rather use standard approach.

   // resolve the promise once the file scan is finished.
   lineReader.on('close', () => resolve(results));

Unfortunately there isn't a way to find the line number using the readline node module, however, using ES6 it isn't difficult to roll your own counter in one line of code.不幸的是,没有办法使用readline节点模块找到行号,但是,使用 ES6 在一行代码中滚动你自己的计数器并不困难。

const line_counter = ((i = 0) => () => ++i)();

When we create the callback function we simply default the second parameter to the line_counter function, and we can act as though the line and the line number are both being passed when a line event occurs.当我们创建回调函数时,我们只是将第二个参数默认为line_counter函数,我们可以表现得好像行号line事件发生时被传递。

rl.on("line", (line, lineno = line_counter()) => {
  console.log(lineno); //1...2...3...10...100...etc

Simply, using a variable increment together with foo(data, ++i) it will always pass the number of the new line to the function.简单地说,将变量增量与 foo(data, ++i) 一起使用,它将始终将新行的编号传递给函数。

let i = 0
const stream = fs.createReadStream(yourFileName)
stream.pipe().on("data", (data) => foo(data, ++i))

const foo = (data, line) => {
  consle.log("Data: ", data)
  consle.log("Line number:", line)

You need to include the lineno param if you are using node linereader如果您使用节点 linereader,则需要包含 lineno 参数

lineReader.on('line', function (lineno, line) {
    if(line.indexOf(searchPattern) > 0) {
          let currLine = line.toString();
          currLine = currLine.replace(/{/g, '');//cleanup { from string if present
            fileName: theFile,
            value: currLine,
            lineNumber: lineno 

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