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Node.js Readline,获取当前行号

[英]Node.js Readline, get the current line number


lineNumber: line.lineNumber

此行返回未定义,我在下面添加了完整的代码片段,我的问题是:Readline 是否提供了以某种方式获取行号的标准方法? 或者我必须实现我的计数器来跟踪行号,这很简单,但我不想要这样做的标准方法吗?

* Search for occurrences of the specified pattern in the received list of files.
* @param filesToSearch - the list of files to search for the pattern
* @returns {Promise} - resolves with the information about the encountered matches for the pattern specified.
const findPattern = (filesToSearch) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
 var results = [ ];
 // iterate over the files
 for(let theFile of filesToSearch){
  let dataStream = fs.createReadStream(theFile);
  let lineReader = readLine.createInterface({
    input: dataStream

  let count = 0; // this would do the trick but I'd rather use standard approach if there's one
  // iterates over each line of the current file
  lineReader.on('line',(line) => {
    if(line.indexOf(searchPattern) > 0) {
      let currLine = line.toString();
      currLine = currLine.replace(/{/g, '');//cleanup { from string if present
        fileName: theFile,
        value: currLine,
        lineNumber: line.lineNumber //HERE: this results undefined
        //lineNumber: count // this does the trick but I'd rather use standard approach.

   // resolve the promise once the file scan is finished.
   lineReader.on('close', () => resolve(results));

不幸的是,没有办法使用readline节点模块找到行号,但是,使用 ES6 在一行代码中滚动你自己的计数器并不困难。

const line_counter = ((i = 0) => () => ++i)();


rl.on("line", (line, lineno = line_counter()) => {
  console.log(lineno); //1...2...3...10...100...etc

简单地说,将变量增量与 foo(data, ++i) 一起使用,它将始终将新行的编号传递给函数。

let i = 0
const stream = fs.createReadStream(yourFileName)
stream.pipe().on("data", (data) => foo(data, ++i))

const foo = (data, line) => {
  consle.log("Data: ", data)
  consle.log("Line number:", line)

如果您使用节点 linereader,则需要包含 lineno 参数

lineReader.on('line', function (lineno, line) {
    if(line.indexOf(searchPattern) > 0) {
          let currLine = line.toString();
          currLine = currLine.replace(/{/g, '');//cleanup { from string if present
            fileName: theFile,
            value: currLine,
            lineNumber: lineno 


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