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[英]Spark Error: Unable to find encoder for type stored in a Dataset

I am using Spark on a Zeppelin notebook, and groupByKey() does not seem to be working. 我在Zeppelin笔记本上使用Spark,而groupByKey()似乎不起作用。

This code: 这段代码:

df.groupByKey(row => row.getLong(0))
  .mapGroups((key, iterable) => println(key))

Gives me this error (presumably a compilation error, since it shows up in no time while the dataset I am working on is pretty big): 给我这个错误(可能是一个编译错误,因为它在我正在处理的数据集很大的时候很快出现):

error: Unable to find encoder for type stored in a Dataset.  Primitive types (Int, String, etc) and Product types (case classes) are supported by importing spark.implicits._  Support for serializing other types will be added in future releases.

I tried to add a case class and map all of my rows into it, but still got the same error 我尝试添加一个case类并将所有行映射到它中,但仍然遇到了同样的错误

import spark.implicits._

case class DFRow(profileId: Long, jobId: String, state: String)

def getDFRow(row: Row):DFRow = {
    return DFRow(row.getLong(row.fieldIndex("item0")),

  .groupByKey(row => row.getLong(0))
  .mapGroups((key, iterable) => println(key))

The schema of my Dataframe is: 我的Dataframe的架构是:

|-- item0: long (nullable = true)
|-- item1: string (nullable = true)
|-- item2: string (nullable = true)

You're trying to mapGroups with a function (Long, Iterator[Row]) => Unit and there is no Encoder for Unit (not that it would make sense to have one). 您正在尝试使用函数(Long, Iterator[Row]) => UnitmapGroups (Long, Iterator[Row]) => Unit并且没有Unit Encoder (不是说它有意义)。

In general parts of the Dataset API which are not focused on the SQL DSL ( DataFrame => DataFrame , DataFrame => RelationalGroupedDataset , RelationalGroupedDataset => DataFrame , RelationalGroupedDataset => RelationalGroupedDataset ) require either implicit or explicit encoders for the output values. 通常, Dataset API中没有关注SQL DSL的部分( DataFrame => DataFrameDataFrame => RelationalGroupedDatasetRelationalGroupedDataset => DataFrameRelationalGroupedDataset => RelationalGroupedDataset )需要输出值的隐式或显式编码器。

Since there are no predefined encoders for Row objects, using Dataset[Row] with methods design for statically typed data doesn't make much sense. 由于Row对象没有预定义的编码器,因此使用Dataset[Row]和静态类型数据的方法设计没有多大意义。 As a rule of thumb you should always convert to the statically typed variant first: 根据经验,您应该首先转换为静态类型的变体:

df.as[(Long, String, String)]

See also Encoder error while trying to map dataframe row to updated row 在尝试将数据帧行映射到更新行时,请参阅编码器错误


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