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[英]Find a more efficient way to code an If statement in python

it's the second time I'm confronted to this kind of code : 这是我第二次遇到这种代码:

    if "associé" in gender or "gérant" in gender or "président" in gender or "directeur" in gender:
    gen = "male"
elif "associée" in gender or "gérante" in gender or "présidente" in gender or "directrice" in gender:
    gen = "female"
    gen = "error"

I'd like to find a more efficient way to write this code because it looks really bad. 我想找到一种更有效的方法来编写这段代码,因为它看起来非常糟糕。

I personally like doing this with sets . 我个人喜欢用sets这样做。 For example: 例如:

opts = ["associé", "gérant", "président", "directeur"]

if set(opts) & set(gender):

& is used for the set intersection operation which returns a new set with the items shared by the sets on either side of the & . &用于设置交集操作,该操作返回一个新set ,其中包含由&两侧的集合共享的项目。 This will execute the if block only if there is overlap in gender and opts . 只有在genderopts重叠时才会执行if块。 You can repeat the process for your elif as well, creating a list of the possible options and checking for overlap between that list and gender . 您也可以为您的elif重复此过程,创建可能选项列表并检查该列表与gender之间的重叠。 All together, you could do something like this: 总之,你可以这样做:

male_opts = ["associé", "gérant", "président", "directeur"]
female_opts = ["associée", "gérante", "présidente", "directrice"]

if set(male_opts) & set(gender):
    gen = "male"
elif set(female_opts) & set(gender):
    gen = "female"
    gen = "error"

Also, as @Copperfield points out. 另外,正如@Copperfield指出的那样。 You could increase efficiency even more by making the *_opt variables (and potentially even gender sets to begin with: 你可以通过制作*_opt变量来提高效率(甚至可能是gender集开头:

male_opts = {"associé", "gérant", "président", "directeur"}
female_opts = {"associée", "gérante", "présidente", "directrice"}
gender = set(gender)

if male_opts & gender:

Edit: 编辑:

The code above assumes that gender is an iterable, but it seems from the comments that it is a string instead (eg, 'associé gérant' . Although the accepted answer is better at this point, you could still use this solution by making gender a set of the words that make up the string: 上面的代码假设gender是可迭代的,但是从评论看来它是一个字符串而不是(例如, 'associé gérant' 。虽然此时接受的答案更好,但你仍然可以通过使gender成为一个来使用这个解决方案组成字符串的单词集:

gender = set(gender.split())

Using lists and any : 使用列表和any

males = ["associé", "gérant", "président", "directeur"]
females = ["associée", "gérante", "présidente", "directrice"]

if any(m in gender for m in males):
    gen = "male"
elif any(m in gender for m in females):
    gen = "female"
    gen = "Error"

If you cannot have multiple of these stings in one gender string, maybe something like this? 如果你不能在一个gender字符串中有多个这些蜇,可能是这样的?

gen = "error"
for g in ["associé", "gérant", "président", "directeur"]:
    if g in gender:
        gen = "male"
for g in ["associée" "gérante", "présidente", "directrice"]:
    if g in gender:
        gen = "female"

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