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私有API调用导致iOS App拒绝viewControllerForView:,Facebook API

[英]iOS App Rejection due to private API call viewControllerForView:, Facebook API

My app was rejected because 我的应用被拒绝是因为

The use of non-public APIs is not permitted on the App Store because it can lead to a poor user experience should these APIs change. App Store上不允许使用非公共API,因为如果这些API发生变化,可能会导致糟糕的用户体验。

in the method 在方法中

viewControllerForView: viewControllerForView:

I asked where I used viewControllerForView: and they responded 我问我在哪里使用viewControllerForView:他们回应了

“viewControllerForView:” was found in the methods: -[FBSDKLikeButton _handleTap:] and -[FBSDKLikeButton _like:]. 在方法中找到了“viewControllerForView:” - [FBSDKLikeButton _handleTap:]和 - [FBSDKLikeButton _like:]。

My FBSDKLoginKit, FBSDKCoreKit and FBSDKCoreKit pods are all at 4.15.1 (the latest version). 我的FBSDKLoginKit,FBSDKCoreKit和FBSDKCoreKit pod都是4.15.1(最新版本)。 How should I go about fixing this? 我该怎么办呢?

You don´t need to make any changes in your code, read this post from Facebook developers of how to solve it. 您无需对代码进行任何更改,请阅读Facebook开发人员如何解决此问题的帖子。

After integrating our SDK into your iOS app, you will need to submit your app to Apple for review. 将我们的SDK集成到您的iOS应用程序后,您需要将您的应用程序提交给Apple进行审核。 As part of this review process, you will be asked if your app uses the Advertising Identifier (IDFA). 作为此审核流程的一部分,系统会询问您的应用是否使用广告标识符(IDFA)。 Please check "Yes". 请选中“是”。 You will then be asked how your app makes use of it. 然后,系统会询问您的应用如何使用它。 The question will take this form: This app uses the Advertising Identifier to (select all that apply)? 问题将采用以下形式:此应用使用广告标识符(选择所有适用的选项)? - Serve advertisements within the app - Attribute this app installation to a previously served advertisement - Attribute an action taken within this app to a previously served advertisement - 在应用程序中提供广告 - 将此应用程序安装归属于之前提供的广告 - 将此应用程序中的操作归属于之前提供的广告

If you will be using the Audience Network framework, you must select the first option. 如果您将使用Audience Network框架,则必须选择第一个选项。 If you are using our core framework to track install attribution and app events, please select the second and third options. 如果您使用我们的核心框架来跟踪安装归因和应用事件,请选择第二个和第三个选项。 If you are using both, select all three. 如果您同时使用两者,请选择全部三个。

You will also be asked to check a box to confirm that your app honors a user's Limit Ad Tracking setting in iOS. 系统还会要求您选中一个框以确认您的应用是否符合iOS中用户的限制广告跟踪设置。 The Facebook SDK honors the iOS Limited Ad Tracking Setting. Facebook SDK尊重iOS有限广告跟踪设置。 When a person enables Limited Ad Tracking, Facebook only uses data obtained through the use of the Advertising Identifier for “Limited Advertising Purposes” as defined by the iOS Developer Program License Agreement. 当某人启用有限广告跟踪时,Facebook仅使用通过使用广告标识符获得的数据用于iOS开发者计划许可协议所定义的“有限广告目的”。 Please make sure check this box when prompted. 出现提示时,请务必选中此框。

Marking these questions in this way will help ensure a smooth review process 以这种方式标记这些问题将有助于确保顺利的审核过程

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