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[英]Kubernetes stops updating current CPU utilization in HPA

I am having an issue with some (but not all) HPAs in my cluster stopping updating their CPU utilization. 我的群集中的某些(但不是全部)HPA停止更新其CPU利用率时遇到问题。 This appears to happen after some different HPA scales its target deployment. 这似乎是在某些不同的HPA扩展其目标部署之后发生的。

Running kubectl describe hpa on the affected HPA yields these events: 在受影响的HPA上运行kubectl describe hpa产生以下事件:

  56m       <invalid>       453     {horizontal-pod-autoscaler }            Warning     FailedUpdateStatus      Operation cannot be fulfilled on horizontalpodautoscalers.autoscaling "sync-api": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again

The controller-manager logs show affected HPAs start having problems right after a scaling event on another HPA: controller-manager日志显示受影响的HPA在另一个HPA上发生伸缩事件后立即开始出现问题:

I0920 03:50:33.807951       1 horizontal.go:403] Successfully updated status for sync-api
I0920 03:50:33.821044       1 horizontal.go:403] Successfully updated status for monolith
I0920 03:50:34.982382       1 horizontal.go:403] Successfully updated status for aurora
I0920 03:50:35.002736       1 horizontal.go:403] Successfully updated status for greyhound-api
I0920 03:50:35.014838       1 horizontal.go:403] Successfully updated status for sync-api
I0920 03:50:35.035785       1 horizontal.go:403] Successfully updated status for monolith
I0920 03:50:48.873503       1 horizontal.go:403] Successfully updated status for aurora
I0920 03:50:48.949083       1 horizontal.go:403] Successfully updated status for greyhound-api
I0920 03:50:49.005793       1 horizontal.go:403] Successfully updated status for sync-api
I0920 03:50:49.103726       1 horizontal.go:346] Successfull rescale of monolith, old size: 7, new size: 6, reason: All metrics below t
I0920 03:50:49.135993       1 horizontal.go:403] Successfully updated status for monolith
I0920 03:50:49.137008       1 event.go:216] Event(api.ObjectReference{Kind:"Deployment", Namespace:"default", Name:"monolith", UID:"086
bfbee-7ec7-11e6-a6f5-0240c833a143", APIVersion:"extensions", ResourceVersion:"4210077", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'Scaling
ReplicaSet' Scaled down replica set monolith-1803096525 to 6
E0920 03:50:49.169382       1 deployment_controller.go:400] Error syncing deployment default/monolith: Deployment.extensions "monolith"
 is invalid: status.unavailableReplicas: Invalid value: -1: must be greater than or equal to 0
I0920 03:50:49.172986       1 replica_set.go:463] Too many "default"/"monolith-1803096525" replicas, need 6, deleting 1
E0920 03:50:49.222184       1 deployment_controller.go:400] Error syncing deployment default/monolith: Deployment.extensions "monolith" is invalid: status.unavailableReplicas: Invalid value: -1: must be greater than or equal to 0
I0920 03:50:50.573273       1 event.go:216] Event(api.ObjectReference{Kind:"ReplicaSet", Namespace:"default", Name:"monolith-1803096525", UID:"086e56d0-7ec7-11e6-a6f5-0240c833a143", APIVersion:"extensions", ResourceVersion:"4210080", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'SuccessfulDelete' Deleted pod: monolith-1803096525-gaz5x
E0920 03:50:50.634225       1 deployment_controller.go:400] Error syncing deployment default/monolith: Deployment.extensions "monolith" is invalid: status.unavailableReplicas: Invalid value: -1: must be greater than or equal to 0
I0920 03:50:50.666270       1 horizontal.go:403] Successfully updated status for aurora
I0920 03:50:50.955971       1 horizontal.go:403] Successfully updated status for greyhound-api
W0920 03:50:50.980039       1 horizontal.go:99] Failed to reconcile greyhound-api: failed to update status for greyhound-api: Operation cannot be fulfilled on horizontalpodautoscalers.autoscaling "greyhound-api": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
I0920 03:50:50.995372       1 horizontal.go:403] Successfully updated status for sync-api
W0920 03:50:51.017321       1 horizontal.go:99] Failed to reconcile sync-api: failed to update status for sync-api: Operation cannot be fulfilled on horizontalpodautoscalers.autoscaling "sync-api": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
I0920 03:50:51.032596       1 horizontal.go:403] Successfully updated status for aurora
W0920 03:50:51.084486       1 horizontal.go:99] Failed to reconcile monolith: failed to update status for monolith: Operation cannot be fulfilled on horizontalpodautoscalers.autoscaling "monolith": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again

Manually updating affected HPAs using kubectl edit fixes the problem, but this makes me worry how reliable are HPAs for autoscaling. 使用kubectl edit手动更新受影响的HPA kubectl edit解决此问题,但这使我担心HPA可自动缩放的可靠性。

Any help is appreciated. 任何帮助表示赞赏。 I am running v1.3.6. 我正在运行v1.3.6。

It is not correct to set up more than one HPA pointing to the same target deployment. 设置多个指向同一目标部署的HPA是不正确的。 When two different HPAs point to the same target (as described here), behavior of the system may be weird. 当两个不同的HPA指向同一目标(如此处所述)时,系统的行为可能很奇怪。

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