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[英]Scala context bounds

Using context bounds in scala you can do stuff like 在Scala中使用上下文范围,您可以执行以下操作

trait HasBuild[T] {
  def build(buildable: T): Something

object Builders {
  implict object IntBuilder extends HasBuild[Int] {
    override def build(i: Int) = ??? // Construct a Something however appropriate

import Builders._
def foo[T: HasBuild](input: T): Something = implicitly[HasBuild[T]].build(1)
val somethingFormInt = foo(1)

Or simply 或者简单地

val somethingFromInt = implicitly[HasBuild[Int]].build(1)

How could I express the type of a Seq of any elements that have an appropriate implicit HasBuild object in scope? 如何在范围内具有适当的隐式HasBuild对象的任何元素的Seq类型? Is this possible without too much magic and external libraries? 如果没有太多的魔术和外部库,这可能吗?

Seq[WhatTypeGoesHere] - I should be able to find the appropriate HasBuild for each element Seq[WhatTypeGoesHere] -我应该能够为每个元素找到合适的HasBuild

This obviously doesn't compile: 这显然不能编译:

val buildables: Seq[_: HasBuild] = ???

Basically I'd like to be able to handle unrelated types in a common way (eg: build), without the user wrapping them in some kind of adapter manually - and enforce by the compiler, that the types actually can be handled. 基本上,我希望能够以一种通用的方式(例如:构建)处理不相关的类型,而无需用户手动将它们包装在某种适配器中,并由编译器强制执行,这些类型实际上可以被处理。 Not sure if the purpose is clear. 不知道目的是否明确。

Something you can do: 您可以执行的操作:

case class HasHasBuild[A](value: A)(implicit val ev: HasBuild[A])
object HasHasBuild {
  implicit def removeEvidence[A](x: HasHasBuild[A]): A = x.value
  implicit def addEvidence[A: HasBuild](x: A): HasHasBuild[A] = HasHasBuild(x)

and now (assuming you add a HasBuild[String] for demonstration): 现在(假设您添加了一个HasBuild[String]进行演示):

val buildables: Seq[HasHasBuild[_]] = Seq(1, "a")

compiles, but 编译,但是

val buildables1: Seq[HasHasBuild[_]] = Seq(1, "a", 1.0)

doesn't. 没有。 You can use methods with implicit HasBuild parameters when you have only a HasHasBuild : 只有HasHasBuild时,可以使用带有隐式HasBuild参数的方法:

def foo1[A](x: HasHasBuild[A]) = {
  import x.ev // now you have an implicit HasBuild[A] in scope

val somethings: Seq[Something] = buildables.map(foo1(_))

First things first, contrary to some of the comments, you are relying on context bounds. 首先,与某些评论相反,您所依赖的是上下文范围。 Requesting an implicit type class instance for a T is what you call a "context bound". T请求隐式类型类实例就是您所说的“上下文绑定”。

What you want is achievable, but not trivial and certainly not without other libraries. 您想要的是可以实现的,但并非无关紧要的,而且当然没有其他库也不是没有。

import shapeless.ops.hlist.ToList
import shapeless._
import shapeless.poly_

object builder extends Poly1 {
  implicit def caseGeneric[T : HasBuilder] = {
    at[T](obj => implicitly[HasBuilder[T]].build(obj))

class Builder[L <: HList](mappings: L) {
  def build[HL <: HList]()(
    implicit fn: Mapper.Aux[builder.type, L, HL],
    lister: ToList[Something]
  ) = lister(mappings map fn)

  def and[T : HasBuilder](el: T) = new Builder[T :: L](el :: mappings)

object Builder {
  def apply[T : HasBuilder](el: T) = new Builder(el :: HNil)

Now you might be able to do stuff like: 现在您可以执行以下操作:


This will call out the build methods from all the individual implcit type class instances and give you a list of the results, where every result has type Something . 这将召唤出build从所有个体implcit类型类实例的方法,给你的结果,其中每个结果类型的列表Something It relies on the fact that all the build methods have a lower upper bound of Something , eg as per your example: 它基于所有构建方法都具有Something的下限的事实,例如,按照您的示例:

trait HasBuild[T] {
  def build(buildable: T): Something

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