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Python - 只打印“打印”

[英]Python - Only printing 'PRINT'

I am trying to make my own basic programming language.我正在尝试制作自己的基本编程语言。 I have the following code in my smrlang.py file我的smrlang.py文件中有以下代码

from sys import *

tokens = []

def open_file(filename):
    data = open(filename, "r").read()
    return data

def smr(filecontents):
    tok = ""
    state = 0
    string = ""
    filecontents = list(filecontents)
    for char in filecontents:
        tok += char
        if tok == " ":
            if state == 0:
                tok = ""
                tok = " "
        elif tok == "PRINT":
            tok = ""
        elif tok == "\"":
            if state == 0:
                state = 1
            elif state == 1:
                string = ""
                state = 0
        elif state == 1:
            string += tok
def run():
    data = open_file(argv[1])

And I have this in my one.smr file:我的one.smr文件中有这个:


The output should be something like PRINT STRING , but when I use the command python3 smrlang.py one.smr , the output is just PRINT .输出应该类似于PRINT STRING ,但是当我使用命令python3 smrlang.py one.smr ,输出只是PRINT I am using Python 3我正在使用 Python 3

Debugging it in the head, I found the problem:头部调试,发现问题:

elif state == 1:
    string += tok

You don't reset the token here.您不要在此处重置令牌。 It will be aababcabcd instead of abcd and recognizing \\ won't work (as it will be aababcabcd\\ ).它将是aababcabcd而不是abcd并且识别\\将不起作用(因为它将是aababcabcd\\ )。

This also causes the token to just be everything and it will never print.这也导致令牌只是一切,永远不会打印。

Try changing it to:尝试将其更改为:

elif state == 1:
    string += tok
    tok = ""

Output after fix:修复后输出:

> py -3 temp.py temp.txt


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