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无法将'()'的值转换为预期的参数类型'String'swift 3.0

[英]cannot convert value of '()' to expected argument type 'String' swift 3.0

I can't find anything online or on stackoverflow. 我无法在线或在stackoverflow上找到任何东西。 I'm getting this error Cannot convert value of '()' to expected argument type 'String' when I use the let color. 我收到此错误当我使用let颜色时, Cannot convert value of '()' to expected argument type 'String' I'm presuming I need to convert () to a String. 我假设我需要将convert()转换为String。

func Change() {
    let colors = [
        no0 = "7A9474",
        no1 = "8C4482",
    let random = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(colors.count)))
    let color = colors[random]
    if random == current {

    current = random
    Change2(hex: color, number: String(random)) //HERE IS THE ERROR
let colors = [
    no0 = "7A9474",
    no1 = "8C4482",

I would assume no0 and no1 are String variables elsewhere. 我会假设no0no1是其他地方的String变量。

Unfortunately in Swift, the assignment is not a statement , but an expression that returns Void (ie () ) . 不幸的是,在Swift中, 赋值不是一个语句 ,而是一个返回Void (即() )的表达式 Thus the compiler won't complain about this declaration, even it certainly looks wrong to the human eye. 因此编译器不会抱怨这个声明,即使它对人眼来说肯定是错误的。

The expression no0 = "7A9474" can be viewed as a function that returns () . 表达式no0 = "7A9474"可以看作是返回()的函数。 So the compiler will see an array of two () and infer the type of colors to be [()] . 因此编译器将看到一个包含两个()的数组,并推断出colors的类型为[()]

let color = colors[random]

And thus the type of color is () . 因此color的类型是() (Swift 3 will issue a warning on this line) (Swift 3将在此行发出警告)

Change2(hex: color, number: String(random))
//           ^^^^^

And thus a type error on this line. 因此这条线上的类型错误。

Perhaps you want this instead: 也许你想要这个:

no0 = "7A9474"
no1 = "8C4482"
let colors = [no0, no1]

no0,no1...those index is already in array. no0,no1 ......那些索引已经在数组中了。

var current = 0
func Change() {
    let colors = ["7A9474","8C4482"]

    let random = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(colors.count)))
    let color = colors[random]
    if random == current {

    current = random
    Change2(hex: color, number: String(random))

func Change2(hex:String , number:String)  {
    //do ...


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