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[英]Extracting Matrix from List of Matrices

Say I have a list of 3 Matrices.假设我有一个包含 3 个矩阵的列表。 How do I extract one of the matrices as a Matrix-Object, so I can further access it's elements with mymatrix[i,j] calls?如何将其中一个矩阵提取为矩阵对象,以便我可以通过mymatrix[i,j]调用进一步访问它的元素?

mylist[i] simply returns a List-Object with Matrix i . mylist[i]简单地返回一个带有矩阵i的列表对象。

I'm sure there has to be a simple solution, but I couldn't manage to find one.我确信必须有一个简单的解决方案,但我无法找到一个。

use double brackets: mylist[[i]] ....使用双括号: mylist[[i]] ....

From ?"[[" (emphasis added):?"[[" (强调):

Recursive (list-like) objects:递归(类列表)对象:

Indexing by '[' is similar to atomic vectors and selects a list of the specified element(s) . '[' 索引类似于原子向量,并选择指定元素的列表

Both '[[' and '$' select a single element of the list . '[[' 和 '$' 都选择列表中的一个元素 The main difference is that '$' does not allow computed indices,主要区别在于“$”不允许计算索引,

mylist[[1]] should return you the first matrix mylist[[1]]应该返回你的第一个矩阵

mylist[[3]] should return you the third matrix mylist[[3]]应该返回第三个矩阵

If you want to automate this you could simply run:如果你想自动化这个,你可以简单地运行:

for (index in 1:length(mylist)){
    assign(paste0("matrix", index), mylist[[index]], envir = .GlobalEnv)

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