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ggplot2:3 路交互堆叠条形图的分组条

[英]ggplot2: Grouping bars of 3 way interaction stacked bar plot

I try to plot a stacked bar chart+2 way interaction in a panel including the same chart for 4 experiments.我尝试在面板中绘制堆叠条形图 + 2 路交互,包括 4 个实验的相同图表。 However, I could not dodge bars depending on one of the independent variable.但是,我无法根据自变量之一躲避酒吧。 Below is my data.下面是我的数据。

First I read the data by the code below.首先我通过下面的代码读取数据。

a<-read.table(file.choose(), header=T, dec=",")

 Exp. Gest lag Sint12 Rev12 c12 t1pi t2pi t1i t2i IntWeak inc Total 1 1 1 15,88 3,28 22,52 11,76 4,08 2,28 16,76 3,24 20,2 100 1 1 3 0,88 1,2 61,36 11,84 8,4 1,84 2,32 0,8 11,36 100 1 1 8 0,24 0,24 65,2 10,24 9,2 1,84 2,4 0,48 10,16 100 1 2 1 14,96 4 25,28 15,12 1,92 0,68 16,8 1,56 19,68 100 1 2 3 1,2 0,72 79,36 8,64 2,88 0,64 0,64 0,64 5,28 100 1 2 8 0,16 0,16 86,72 5,36 3,2 0,08 0,48 0,64 3,2 100 2 1 1 30,6 2,2 24,48 4,56 1,32 0,4 17,8 1 17,64 100 2 1 3 0,96 1,04 87,2 5,04 2,16 0,16 0,4 0,8 2,24 100 2 1 8 0,88 0,24 91,92 3,28 1,52 0 0,32 0,88 0,96 100 2 2 1 20,16 2,32 16,52 14,24 0,72 0,44 15,96 1,76 27,88 100 2 2 3 1,04 0,64 83,84 5,84 2 0,08 0,72 1,12 4,72 100 2 2 8 0,24 0 91,04 4,16 1,52 0,08 0 0,72 2,24 100 3A 1 1 35,83 3,92 27,42 2,42 2,08 0,25 7,42 3,63 17,04 100,01 3A 1 3 1,58 1 81 4,5 3,33 0,25 0,33 1,08 6,92 99,99 3A 1 8 1 0 86,92 3,17 1,75 0,08 0,42 0,33 6,33 100 3A 2 1 43,46 2,38 21,29 1,88 1,17 0,17 5,46 4,21 20 100,02 3A 2 3 2 0,75 78,67 3,75 3,25 0,17 0,83 0,92 9,67 100,01 3A 2 8 1,33 0,33 83,25 3 2,17 0 0,67 0,83 8,42 100 3B 1 1 35,5 2,54 29,33 3,04 1,88 0,54 7,46 7,46 12,25 100 3B 1 3 1,58 0,67 79,42 4,58 2,83 0,42 0,67 2,75 7,08 100 3B 1 8 0,83 0,17 88,83 3,17 2,83 0,08 0,42 0,5 3,17 100 3B 2 1 32,33 1,75 17,21 4,5 2,21 0,42 13,21 4,96 23,42 100,01 3B 2 3 2,5 0,25 67,58 8,42 4,25 0,5 1 4,58 10,92 100 3B 2 8 1 0,08 76,83 6,25 4,5 0,08 0,33 3 7,92 99,99

Second I transformed it wide to long format with the code below.其次,我使用下面的代码将其宽格式转换为长格式。

b <- reshape(a, 
         varying = c("Sint12", "Rev12", "c12", "t1pi", "t2pi", "t1i", "t2i", "IntWeak", "inc"), 
         v.names = "score",
         timevar = "variable", 
         times = c("Sint12", "Rev12", "c12", "t1pi", "t2pi", "t1i", "t2i", "IntWeak", "inc"), 
         new.row.names = 1:1000,
         direction = "long")

And the data looks like below after transformation:转换后的数据如下所示:

 Exp. Gest lag Total variable score id 1 1 1 1 100.00 Sint12 15.88 1 2 1 1 3 100.00 Sint12 0.88 2 3 1 1 8 100.00 Sint12 0.24 3 4 1 2 1 100.00 Sint12 14.96 4 5 1 2 3 100.00 Sint12 1.20 5 6 1 2 8 100.00 Sint12 0.16 6 7 2 1 1 100.00 Sint12 30.60 7 8 2 1 3 100.00 Sint12 0.96 8 9 2 1 8 100.00 Sint12 0.88 9 10 2 2 1 100.00 Sint12 20.16 10 11 2 2 3 100.00 Sint12 1.04 11 12 2 2 8 100.00 Sint12 0.24 12 13 3A 1 1 100.01 Sint12 35.83 13 14 3A 1 3 99.99 Sint12 1.58 14 15 3A 1 8 100.00 Sint12 1.00 15 16 3A 2 1 100.02 Sint12 43.46 16 17 3A 2 3 100.01 Sint12 2.00 17 18 3A 2 8 100.00 Sint12 1.33 18 19 3B 1 1 100.00 Sint12 35.50 19 20 3B 1 3 100.00 Sint12 1.58 20 21 3B 1 8 100.00 Sint12 0.83 21 22 3B 2 1 100.01 Sint12 32.33 22 23 3B 2 3 100.00 Sint12 2.50 23 24 3B 2 8 99.99 Sint12 1.00 24

What I want is;我想要的是; 1st.第一。 4 plots (for each experiment), 2. make an interaction plot by Gest and lag. 4 个图(对于每个实验), 2. 通过 Gest 和滞后制作交互图。 3rd;第 3 个; fill the stacks with the color of variable.用变量的颜色填充堆栈。

In order to do it, I used the code below.为了做到这一点,我使用了下面的代码。

ggplot(data=b, aes(x=interaction(Gest,lag),y=score, fill = variable, ))+geom_bar(stat="identity")+facet_wrap(~Exp., ncol=2) ggplot(data=b, aes(x=interaction(Gest,lag),y=score, fill = variable, ))+geom_bar(stat="identity")+facet_wrap(~Exp., ncol=2)


Now, the plot is ready.现在,剧情准备好了。 However, when I pass position=dodge argument to geom_bar;但是,当我将 position=dodge 参数传递给 geom_bar 时; it does not work.它不起作用。 I would like to have a plot where there is no gap between 1.1&2.1;我想要一个在 1.1&2.1 之间没有差距的情节; 1.3&2.3 and 1.8&2.8 (X axes labels). 1.3&2.3 和 1.8&2.8(X 轴标签)。 Also, I want to specify the gaps between .1-.3 and .8.另外,我想指定 .1-.3 和 .8 之间的差距。

Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

What do you mean by "it does not work"? “它不起作用”是什么意思? When I added that, I got a plot that correctly dodged the bars.当我添加它时,我得到了一个正确避开条形图的图。

If you just meant that you want to modify the spacing, you can do that by adding additional (empty) levels to the factor that is plotted along the x.如果您只是想修改间距,则可以通过向沿 x 绘制的因子添加额外(空)级别来实现。 Note that there are a different number of spaces in each of the additional levels:请注意,每个附加级别中有不同数量的空格:

       , aes(x= factor(interaction(Gest, lag)
                       , levels = c(1.1,2.1," ",1.3,2.3,"  ",1.8,2.8))
             ,y=score, fill = variable)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position = "dodge") +
  facet_wrap(~Exp., ncol=2) +
  scale_x_discrete(drop = FALSE)


You can go a few steps further if you use the cowplot package.如果您使用cowplot包,您可以更进一步。 Here, the advantage is that you can do the faceting on the lag variable if you make each experimental plot separately.在这里,优点是如果您分别制作每个实验图,您可以对lag变量进行分面。 Then, you can stitch them together.然后,您可以将它们缝合在一起。 Here, I suppressed the individual legends, and added a shared common legend at the bottom.在这里,我压制了个别图例,并在底部添加了一个共享的共同图例。

sepPlots <- lapply(unique(b$Exp.), function(thisExp){
  b %>%
    filter(Exp. == thisExp) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = as.factor(Gest)
               , y = score
               , fill = variable)) +
    geom_bar(stat="identity", position = "dodge") +
    facet_wrap(~lag, nrow = 1
               , labeller = label_both
               , switch = "x") +
    xlab("Gest") +
    ggtitle(paste("Experiment:", thisExp))


expPlots <-
  plot_grid(plotlist = lapply(sepPlots, function(x){x + guides(fill = "none")}))

          , get_legend(sepPlots[[1]] + theme(legend.direction   = "horizontal"))
          , nrow = 2
          , rel_heights = c(1, 0.1))


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