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[英]Initialize of a Class as variable in c#

I couldn't understand this code. 我听不懂这段代码。 Why i need to initialize a class as variable Like "private InvoiceMaster _invoiceMaster" And "InvoiceMaster im = new InvoiceMaster()". 为什么我需要将一个类初始化为变量,例如“ private InvoiceMaster _invoiceMaster”和“ InvoiceMaster im = new InvoiceMaster()”。 Please Help me in details. 请详细帮助我。 I need to very clear understand. 我需要非常清楚地了解。

  namespace AHS.Invoice.UI
  public partial class ReRouteDetail : BasePage
    #region Declaration
    private InvoiceMaster _invoiceMaster;
    DataSet _ds = new DataSet();
    InvoiceMasterCollection _invoiceMasterCollection = new InvoiceMasterCollection();


    #region Page Events
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


    protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)


    #region Methods

    private void LoadGridData()

        if (base.CurrentScreen.ID == 3780)
            _ds = new InvoiceMasterCollection().LoadReRouteData();
            gc.GridDataSource = _ds;
        else if (base.CurrentScreen.ID == 3781)
            _ds = new InvoiceMasterCollection().LoadReRouteFromServiceApproverData();
            gc.GridDataSource = _ds;
        else if (base.CurrentScreen.ID == 3782)
            _ds = new InvoiceMasterCollection().LoadReRouteFromServiceConfirmationData();
            gc.GridDataSource = _ds;


    #region Events
    protected void gc_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
        if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)

                DropDownList ddlStatus = e.Row.Cells[7].FindControl("ddlStatus") as DropDownList;
                ddlStatus.CssClass = "ReRouteddlStatus";
                if (base.CurrentScreen.ID == 3780)
                    DataSet reRouteDataSet = new InvoiceMasterCollection().LoadStatus(Convert.ToInt32(e.Row.Cells[4].Text));
                    ddlStatus.DataTextField = "Description";
                    ddlStatus.DataValueField = "ID";
                    ddlStatus.DataSource = reRouteDataSet;

                if (base.CurrentScreen.ID == 3781 || base.CurrentScreen.ID == 3782)
                    ddlStatus.Enabled = false;                    
            System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button btnReRoute = e.Row.Cells[8].FindControl("btnReRoute") as System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button;
            btnReRoute.CssClass = "btnBackToReRoute";
            //Button btnReRoute = e.Row.Cells[8].FindControl("btnReRoute") as Button;
            btnReRoute.CommandName = "ReRoute";
            btnReRoute.CommandArgument = e.Row.Cells[0].Text;


    protected void gc_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
        if (e.CommandName == "ReRoute")
              int masterID = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);

              Button button = null;
              foreach (GridViewRow rows in gc.GridRows)
                  InvoiceMaster im = new InvoiceMaster();
                  im.ID = masterID;
                 // this.LoadGridData();

                  _invoiceMaster = new InvoiceMaster();
                  _invoiceMaster = im.GetData();

                  int id = Convert.ToInt32(rows.Cells[0].Text);
                  if (id == masterID)
                      button = rows.FindControl("btnReRoute") as Button;

   DropDownList ddlStatus(DropDownList)rows.Cells[6].FindControl("ddlStatus");
            if (base.CurrentScreen.ID == 3780)
                          _invoiceMaster.StatusID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlStatus.SelectedItem.Value);
                      if (base.CurrentScreen.ID == 3781)
                          _invoiceMaster.StatusID = 13;
                      if (base.CurrentScreen.ID == 3782)
                          _invoiceMaster.StatusID = 11;


            base.ShowClientMessage("Invoice Backed Successfully.");


} }

When you write this line: 当您编写此行时:

private InvoiceMaster _invoiceMaster;

you are just defining a private member of the class of type InvoiceMaster . 您只是在定义InvoiceMaster类型的类的私有成员。 At this point however the reference is pointing to nothing (the "value" is null ). 然而,在这一点上,引用没有指向任何东西(“值”为null )。

In this line: 在这一行:

InvoiceMaster im = new InvoiceMaster();

you are also creating a private member of the class (the default in c# is private ) and this time you are assigning to that reference a new object that you are creating. 您还将创建该类的私有成员(c#中的默认成员是private ),这一次您将向该引用分配正在创建的新对象。

The following lines will not compile and must be in a scope of a function: 以下各行将无法编译,并且必须在函数范围内:

im.ID = masterID;

_invoiceMaster = new InvoiceMaster();
_invoiceMaster = im.GetData();

I recommend that you go through one of the many tutorial out there to better understand about data types, variables and scopes 我建议您阅读其中的许多教程之一,以更好地了解数据类型,变量和范围

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