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[英].net core package dependencies

I'm wanting to build a native .NET Core executable that I can deploy but when I publish the project, the compiler exports all the dependencies into the same directory and the executable needs them to run on a system that doesn't have .NET Core runtime installed. 我想构建一个可以部署的本机.NET Core可执行文件,但是当我发布项目时,编译器会将所有依赖项导出到同一目录中,并且可执行文件需要它们在没有.NET的系统上运行已安装核心运行时。 Is there a way to compile/package the DLL's in with the project DLL or executable? 有没有一种方法可以将DLL与项目DLL或可执行文件一起编译/打包? Thanks. 谢谢。

For merging dependencies into the compiled assembly, check out Costura for Fody: 要将依赖项合并到已编译的程序集中,请查看Costura for Fody:

https://github.com/Fody/Fody https://github.com/Fody/Fody

https://github.com/Fody/Costura https://github.com/Fody/Costura

I've used it before, and it works well. 我以前用过,而且效果很好。 You can define certain dependencies to merge in a file called FodyWeavers.xml ( see the Costura-Fody link for examples ). 您可以定义某些依赖项以合并到名为FodyWeavers.xml的文件中( 有关示例,请参见 Costura -Fody链接 )。

So, for example ( taken from the Costura README.md ) you can have two dependencies 'Foo' and 'Bar' that can be merged into your target assembly as follows in the FodyWeavers.xml file. 因此,例如( 取自Costura README.md ),您可以具有两个依赖项“ Foo”和“ Bar”,可以将它们合并到目标组件中,如下所示(在FodyWeavers.xml文件中)。


Other than that, ILMerge is a fine way to go: https://www.nuget.org/packages/ilmerge 除此之外,ILMerge是一种不错的选择: https : //www.nuget.org/packages/ilmerge

EDIT: Found a link describing deploying required .NET core dependencies in a self-contained application: http://druss.co/2016/08/deploy-and-run-net-core-application-without-installed-runtime-self-contained-applications/ 编辑:找到了一个链接,该链接描述了在独立应用程序中部署所需的.NET核心依赖项的情况: http : //druss.co/2016/08/deploy-and-run-net-core-application-without-installed-runtime-self -包含应用程序/

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