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[英]How does Unary Operator '&' work

How does the unary operator '&' work ?一元运算符“&”如何工作?

In a test project i ran this code:在一个测试项目中,我运行了这段代码:

int num = 50, num2 = 100;

int x = num & num2;

result: x = 32结果:x = 32

 int num = 100, num2 = 90;

 int x = num & num2; 

result :x = 64结果:x = 64

How is this calculated ?这是如何计算的?


Binary & operators are predefined for the integral types and bool.二进制和运算符是为整数类型和 bool 预定义的。 For integral types, & computes the logical bitwise AND of its operands.对于整数类型, & 计算其操作数的逻辑按位与。 For bool operands, & computes the logical AND of its operands;对于 bool 操作数,& 计算其操作数的逻辑与; that is, the result is true if and only if both its operands are true.也就是说,当且仅当它的两个操作数都为真时,结果才为真。

In your case it is integeral type version.在您的情况下,它是整数类型版本。


 50 in binary is 00110010     
100 in binary is 01100100     
AND result is    00100000 (32 dec)

Bitwise operator works on bits and perform bit-by-bit operation.按位运算符作用于位并执行逐位运算。

Binary AND Operator copies a bit to the result if it exists in both operands.如果两个操作数中都存在二进制 AND 运算符,则将其复制到结果中。

(A & B) = 12, i.e., 0000 1100

First thing: & in this context is a binary operator, as it has two arguments.第一件事: &在这种情况下是一个二元运算符,因为它有两个参数。 It is not a unary operator.不是元运算符。

& with two arguments is the bitwise AND operator.带有两个参数的&是按位 AND 运算符。

50 & 100 is 0b110010 & 0b1100100 . 50 & 1000b110010 & 0b1100100 Apply & to each bit gives you 0b100000 which is 32.&应用于每一位给你0b100000 ,即 32。

You can analyse 100 & 90 similarly.您可以类似地分析100 & 90

Binary values二进制值

50 (10 ) = 0110010  (2)
100 (10) = 1100100  (2)

And a logical AND is used so only the bits where both values are 1 are now one resulting in:并且使用逻辑与,因此只有两个值都为 1 的位现在为 1,从而导致:

0100000 (2) = 32 (10)


100 (10) = 1100100  (2)
90 (10) =  1011010 (2)
64 (10) =  1000000(2)

Represent both numbers as binaries (in order to see bits clearly when doing bitwise operations) and have a look at what's going on:将两个数字表示为二进制(以便在进行按位运算时清楚地看到)并查看发生了什么:

private static String AndExplanation(int left, int right) {
  String x = Convert.ToString(left, 2);
  String y = Convert.ToString(right, 2);
  String z = Convert.ToString(left & right, 2);

  int length = Math.Max(x.Length, y.Length);

  return String.Join(Environment.NewLine,
    $"{x.PadLeft(length, '0')} ({left}) &",
    $"{y.PadLeft(length, '0')} ({right})",
    new String('-', length),
    $"{z.PadLeft(length, '0')} ({left & right})"


Console.Write(AndExplanation(50, 100));

Console.Write(AndExplanation(90, 100));

You'll see:你会看到的:

0110010 (50) &
1100100 (100)
0100000 (32)


1011010 (90) &
1100100 (100)
1000000 (64)

Short answer is - it depends.简短的回答是 - 这取决于。

For integers, as in your case it does bit operations.对于整数,就像在您的情况下一样,它执行位操作。 So 01100100 (100) bitwise AND 00110010 (50) = 00100000 (32).所以01100100 (100)按位 AND 00110010 (50) = 00100000 (32)。

For booleans that's an eager AND (evaluates both expressions always) - unlike the lazy AND && which doesn't evaluate the second expression if first is false .对于急切 AND 的布尔值(始终评估两个表达式) - 与惰性 AND &&不同,如果 first 为false则不评估第二个表达式。

This is a bitwise AND:这是一个按位与:

In "0b0110010 AND 0b1100100", you should look for the the 1's and 0's shared at common places, which gives you 0b0100000=32.在“0b0110010 AND 0b1100100”中,您应该查找在公共位置共享的 1 和 0,这为您提供 0b0100000=32。

The same holds for "100 AND 90" which gives you 0b1000000=64.这同样适用于“100 AND 90”,它给你 0b1000000=64。

I hope it helped.我希望它有所帮助。

It's a bits operator and .它是一个位运算符 The bits(binary) for 50 is 110010 and 100 is 1100100, when you align them (flush to the right), you get 110010 1100100 50 的位(二进制)是 110010 和 100 是 1100100,当你对齐它们(向右对齐)时,你得到110010 1100100

The & operator works in such a way that, at each position, you get 1 if both lines have 1 and you get 0 otherwise, as shown below. & 运算符的工作方式是,在每个位置,如果两行都为 1,则为 1,否则为 0,如下所示。 110010 1100100 ||||||| 0100000 110010 1100100 ||||||| 0100000 So you get the binary result 100000, which is 32. 110010 1100100 ||||||| 0100000所以你得到二进制结果 100000,也就是 32。

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