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[英]How to write Unit Test for Alamofire request function?

I have a project where I'm sending .GET requests to get data from the server and for this I'm using Alamofire & SwiftyJSON. 我有一个项目,我发送.GET请求从服务器获取数据,为此我使用Alamofire和SwiftyJSON。

For example: 例如:

I have file "Links", "Requests" and my ViewController. 我有文件“链接”,“请求”和我的ViewController。

Links.swift Links.swift

var getAllData: String {
    return "\(host)api/getalldata"

Requests.swift Requests.swift

func getAllData(_ completion:@escaping (_ json: JSON?) -> Void) {
    Alamofire.request(Links.sharedInstance.getAllData).validate().responseJSON { (response) in
        do {
            let json = JSON(data: response.data!)

ViewController 视图控制器

Requests.sharedInstance.getAllData { (json) in
    // ...

So, how can I write my Unit Test for this case? 那么,我怎样才能为这个案例编写单元测试? I'm just now learning unit testing and in all books there are just local cases and no examples with network cases. 我刚刚学习单元测试,在所有书籍中只有本地案例,没有网络案例的例子。 Can anyone, please, describe me and help how to write Unit Tests for network requests with Alamofire and SwiftyJSON? 请允许任何人描述我并帮助如何使用Alamofire和SwiftyJSON编写网络请求的单元测试?

Since Requests.sharedInstance.getAllData call is a network request, you'll need to use expectation method to create a instance of it so that you can wait for the result of Requests.sharedInstance.getAllData and timeout of it I set 10 seconds otherwise the test fails. 由于Requests.sharedInstance.getAllData调用是一个网络请求,你需要使用expectation方法创建它的实例,这样你就可以等待Requests.sharedInstance.getAllData的结果和超时了我设置10秒否则测试失败。

And we are expecting the constants error to be nil and result to not be nil otherwise the test fails too. 并且我们期望常量error nil并且result nil否则测试也会失败。

import XCTest

class Tests: XCTestCase {

  func testGettingJSON() {
    let ex = expectation(description: "Expecting a JSON data not nil")

    Request.sharedInstance.getAllData { (error, result) in



    waitForExpectations(timeout: 10) { (error) in
      if let error = error {
        XCTFail("error: \(error)")


Probably you'd want to return an error in order to have details of why your request failed thus your unit tests can validate this info too. 可能您想要返回错误,以便了解您的请求失败的原因,因此您的单元测试也可以验证此信息。

func getAllData(_ completion: @escaping (_ error: NSError?, _ json: String?) -> Void) {

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