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[英]How to write a unit test for a function inside a protocol extension?

Currently I have a protocol: 目前,我有一个协议:

protocol CameraOpen: UIImagePickerControllerDelegate, UINavigationControllerDelegate {
 func openCamera()

The function is defined in the protocol extension: 该功能在协议扩展中定义:

extension CameraOpen where Self: UIViewController {
 func openCamera() {
        if UIImagePickerController.isSourceTypeAvailable(.camera) {
            let imagePicker = UIImagePickerController()
            imagePicker.delegate = self
            imagePicker.sourceType = .camera
            imagePicker.allowsEditing = false
            self.present(imagePicker, animated: true, completion: nil)

This issue is I have no clue on how to actually test the function defined in the protocol extension. 这个问题是我不知道如何实际测试协议扩展中定义的功能。 Typically I make an instance of the class I want to test and use dot notation to test each function in the class but since it's a protocol I can't make an instance of it. 通常,我会创建要测试的类的实例,并使用点表示法来测试该类中的每个函数,但是由于它是协议,因此无法创建它的实例。 For example if I do something like this: 例如,如果我做这样的事情:

class CamerOpenTests: XCTestCase {

    var cameraOpen: CameraOpen?

    override func setUp() {
       cameraOpen = CameraOpen()// error here

    override func tearDown() {
    cameraOpen = nil

I get an error: 我收到一个错误:

'CameraOpen' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers 无法构造“ CameraOpen”,因为它没有可访问的初始化程序

Any ideas on how to unit test this function? 关于如何对该功能进行单元测试的任何想法?

Even though you can add code to a protocol as an extension, you cannot instantiate it, that requires a view controller sub class tagged with the protocol. 即使您可以将代码作为扩展添加到协议中,也无法实例化它,这需要使用协议标记的视图控制器子类。

class CamerOpenTests: XCTestCase {
    class TestCameraOpen : UIViewController, CameraOpen { }

    var cameraOpen: CameraOpen?

    override func setUp() {
        cameraOpen = TestCameraOpen()

    override func tearDown() {
        cameraOpen = nil

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