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[英]What does |% mean in PowerShell

I've come across this today: 我今天遇到过这个:

$tests = (Get-ChildItem . -Recurse -Name bin |% { Get-ChildItem $_ -Recurse -Filter *.Unit.Tests.dll } |% {  $($_.FullName) })
Write-Host ------------- TESTS -----------
Write-Host $tests
Write-Host -------------------------------
.\tools\xunit\xunit.console.exe $tests -xml test-report.unit.xml

I can't get my head around what '|%' is doing there. 我无法理解'|%'在那里做什么。 Can anyone explain what it used for please? 有谁可以解释它用于什么?

% is an alias for the ForEach-Object cmdlet . %ForEach-Object cmdlet别名

An alias is just another name by which you can reference a cmdlet or function. 别名只是您可以引用cmdlet或函数的另一个名称。 For example dir , ls , and gci are all aliases for Get-ChildItem . 例如, dirlsgci都是Get-ChildItem别名。

ForEach-Object executes a [ScriptBlock] for each item passed to it through the pipeline, so piping the results of one cmdlet into ForEach-Object lets you run some code against each individual item. ForEach-Object 通过管道传递给它的每个项执行[ScriptBlock] ,因此将一个cmdlet的结果传递给ForEach-Object可以让您针对每个单独的项运行一些代码。

In your example, Get-ChildItem is finding all of the bin s in a certain directory tree, and then for each one that is found , Get-ChildItem is being used to find all of the files underneath that match *.Unit.Tests.dll , and then for each one of those , the full name is returned to the pipeline (which is getting assigned to the $tests variable). 在您的示例中, Get-ChildItem正在查找某个目录树中的所有bin ,然后对于找到的每个 binGet-ChildItem用于查找匹配*.Unit.Tests.dll下面的所有文件*.Unit.Tests.dll ,然后对于每一个 ,全名返回到管道(它被分配给$tests变量)。

Adding to @briantist's answer: 添加到@briantist的答案:

The | | is the pipeline operator. 是管道运营商。 From the docs : 来自文档

Each pipeline operator sends the results of the preceding command to the next command. 每个管道运算符将前一个命令的结果发送到下一个命令。

To demonstrate: 展示:

Get-ChildItem bin | % { Get-ChildItem $_  }

could be rewritten as: 可以改写为:

Get-ChildItem bin | Foreach-Object { Get-ChildItem $_ }

or without using the pipeline but a foreach loop instead (which is different from the foreach command !): 或者使用管道而是使用foreach循环 (这与foreach命令 不同 !):

foreach ($item in (Get-ChildItem bin)) { Get-ChildItem $item }

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