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EF6 可选 1:1 包括不工作

[英]EF6 Optional 1:1 include not working

Trying to set up basic EF6 Optional 1:1.尝试设置基本的 EF6 可选 1:1。 Extremely frustrating.非常令人沮丧。 I have read lots and lost of posts.我已经阅读了很多并且丢失了帖子。

I have two entities, Guests and Seats, each one can exist on their own, a seat does not need a guest and a guest does not need a seat.我有两个实体,Guests 和 Seats,每个实体都可以独立存在,一个座位不需要客人,客人不需要座位。

Guest Model:嘉宾模特:

        public int ID { get; set; }

        public int? SeatID { get; set; }

        public string FirstName { get; set; }

        //Link to Seat
        public Seat Seat { get; set; }

Seat Model:座椅型号:

        public int ID { get; set; }

        public int? GuestID { get; set; }

        public string SeatNumber { get; set; }

        public bool Occupied { get { return (GuestID == null ? true : false); } }

        //Link to Guest
        public Guest Guest{ get; set; }

I had lots of problems just getting to this point.刚到这一步,我遇到了很多问题。 I had to add this to my model creation for the relationship to work:我必须将此添加到我的模型创建中才能使关系起作用:

            .HasOptional(g => g.Guest)
            .WithOptionalDependent(s => s.Seat);

Now my application is working however when I try and load related data with the include method it just comes up blank, nothing there.现在我的应用程序正在运行,但是当我尝试使用 include 方法加载相关数据时,它只是空白,什么都没有。

var seats = db.Seats.Include(s => s.Guest);
            return View(seats.ToList());

On my view I use在我看来,我使用

@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Guest.FirstName)

I want to know how to make the include statement work, preferably without lazy loading (or even with if i have to).我想知道如何使 include 语句工作,最好不要延迟加载(或者即使我必须这样做)。 Also, I do not want to have a SeatAssignment table, I considered going down this road.另外,我不想有一个 SeatAssignment 表,我考虑过这条路。

I could use a Viewmodel for this to work but i dont understand why the 1:1 optional is not loading the related data.我可以使用 Viewmodel 为此工作,但我不明白为什么 1:1 可选没有加载相关数据。

As requested, here is the generated schema...definitely something odd going on here.根据要求,这是生成的模式……这里肯定发生了一些奇怪的事情。 As a side note i can make it work with a viewmodel, but i dont want to.作为旁注,我可以让它与视图模型一起工作,但我不想。


1-0..1 relationship configuration is different from the way that you want. 1-0..1 关系配置和你想要的方式不一样。

  1. 1-0..1 relation ship between X and Y means that XId is primary key in X and also XId is also primary key in Y and also foreign key X 和 Y 之间的 1-0..1 关系意味着 XId 是 X 中的主键,而且 XId 也是 Y 中的主键和外键
  2. What you are requesting is a mn relationship with m=1 and n=1, so the configuration should be different.你要求的是m=1和n=1的mn关系,所以配置应该不一样。

Based on the above mentioned rules, your code should be as follows根据上面提到的规则,你的代码应该如下

Guest class嘉宾班

public class Guest
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }

    public IList<Seat> Seats { get; set; }

Seat class座位等级

public class Seat
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string SeatNumber{ get; set; }

    public IList<Guest> Guests { get; set; }

Join table连接表

public GuestSeat
     public int GuestID{get;set;}
     public int SeatID{get;set;}

     public DateTime ReservedDate{get;set;}
     // other fields goes here


            .HasKey(gs => new {gs.GuestID,gs.SeatID})
            .HasForeignKey(gs =>gs.GuestID)
            .HasForeignKey(gs =>gs.SeatID)

This solution provide the following该解决方案提供以下

  1. As a Guest,On today's event, I can reserve seat A, and tomorrow's event, I can reserve seat B.作为嘉宾,今天的活动我可以预定座位A,明天的活动我可以预定座位B。
  2. Seat A can be occupied by Guest X and tomorrow by Guest Y座位 A 可以由客人 X 占用,明天由客人 Y 占用
  3. To ensure that the seat can be occupied by one person on a given date, you can create a unique index on the SeatID and ReservedDate .为确保在给定日期该座位可由一人占用,您可以在SeatIDReservedDate创建唯一索引。

Hope this will help you希望能帮到你

You have to construct your models as shown below.您必须构建您的模型,如下所示。

public class Guest
        public int GuestId { get; set; }

        public string FirstName { get; set; }

        //Link to Seat
        public virtual Seat Seat { get; set; }

public class Seat
        public int SeatId { get; set; }

        public string SeatNumber { get; set; }

        public bool Occupied { get { return (GuestID == null ? true : false); }}

        //Link to Guest
        public virtual Guest Guest{ get; set; }

Fluent API mapping :流畅的 API 映射:

            .HasOptional(g => g.Guest)
            .WithOptionalDependent(s => s.Seat);

Then :然后 :

var seats = db.Seats.Include(s => s.Guest).ToList();

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