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CPLEX 获得降低的 MIP 成本?

[英]CPLEX obtain reduced costs of a MIP?

I am solving a MIP problem using CPLEX.我正在使用 CPLEX 解决 MIP 问题。 After solving it, I want to get the reduced costs.解决之后,我想降低成本。 I am aware of the fact that reduced costs don't exist for the MIP, so I did the following:我知道 MIP 不存在降低成本的事实,因此我执行了以下操作:

     int type = CPXgetprobtype(env, lp);
     if(CPXchgprobtype(env, lp, CPXPROB_FIXEDMILP)) abort();
     if(CPXlpopt(env,lp)) abort();
     int blabla; double blublu;
     if(CPXsolution (env, lp, &blabla , &blublu , x, pi, slack, dj)) abort();
     for (int i = 0; i < CPXgetnumcols(env,lp); i++) {
        printf("v%d = %f, ", i,dj[i]);
        if ((i+1) % 10 == 0) printf("\n");
     if(CPXchgprobtype(env, lp, type)) abort();

When I print the array dj, it's all 0's.当我打印数组 dj 时,它都是 0。 I also tried using CPXgetdj instead of CPXsolution , with the same result.我还尝试使用CPXgetdj而不是CPXsolution ,结果相同。

After reading this I believe what I am doing is correct.阅读本文后,我相信我所做的是正确的。 Yet it does not seem to work.然而它似乎不起作用。 My problems have 20000 variables, and I have tried with a bunch of them and it always says 0...我的问题有 20000 个变量,我尝试了很多变量,但它总是说 0 ...

I have a small time limit, so it does not prove optimality (but it does find an integer solution), I'm not sure if this matter.我有一个很小的时间限制,所以它不能证明是最优的(但它确实找到了一个整数解),我不确定这是否重要。


Consider a general linear problem P where all variables are fixed at the value of the integer optimal solution of a given integer problem I .考虑一个一般线性问题P ,其中所有变量都固定为给定整数问题I的整数最优解的值。 Let P beP成为


where the overlined bj is the value of xj in the optimal integer solution.其中上划线的 bj 是最优整数解中 xj 的值。 The dual problem D of P is P 的对偶问题D


The optimal solution of D of cost z( D ) = z( P ) = z( I ) could be found setting可以找到代价 z( D ) = z( P ) = z( I ) 的D的最优解


thus the reduced costs are因此降低的成本是


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