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SQL Server Profiler 中的 filetable_updates 表

[英]filetable_updates table in SQL Server Profiler

Recently we started monitoring the SQL Profiler to capture queries executed in server.最近我们开始监控SQL Profiler以捕获在服务器中执行的查询。

Strangely we observed the below query executed for every single minute in Database.奇怪的是,我们观察到以下查询在数据库中每分钟执行一次。

SELECT table_id,
FROM   [Databasename].[sys].[filetable_updates_2105058535] WITH (readpast)
ORDER  BY table_id 


When I tried to execute manually, it throwing error saying当我尝试手动执行时,它抛出错误说

Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Invalid object name 'Databasename.sys.filetable_updates_2105058535'.消息 208,级别 16,状态 1,第 1 行无效的对象名称“Databasename.sys.filetable_updates_2105058535”。

It is using sys schema not dbo它使用的是sys架构而不是dbo

Can somebody give insight of this process.有人可以深入了解这个过程。 Is this something to worry about I searched through forum didn't get any answer.这有什么可担心的吗?我在论坛上搜索没有得到任何答案。 Sometimes it is executing more than twice for a minute有时它在一分钟内执行两次以上

if your database has filestream/filetable, you will see these queries being run by the system occasionally:如果你的数据库有文件流/文件表,你会看到系统偶尔运行这些查询:

            select table_id, item_guid, oplsn_fseqno, oplsn_bOffset, oplsn_slotid
            from [database].[sys].[filetable_updates_<some_id>] with (readpast) order by table_id

So, may you may want to add additional filtering to the above query to filter those out (as long as the filter doesn't accidentally filter out queries you do care about).因此,您可能希望向上述查询添加额外的过滤以过滤掉那些(只要过滤器不会意外过滤掉您关心的查询)。 This is probably a safe addition to that derived table:这可能是对该派生表的安全补充:

            AND t.[text] NOT LIKE N'%oplsn_fseqno%'

And one more is The AlwaysOn feature must be enabled for the server instance 'xxxxx\\SQL2K12' before you can create an availability group on this instance.还有一个是必须为服务器实例“xxxxx\\SQL2K12”启用 AlwaysOn 功能,然后才能在此实例上创建可用性组。 To enable AlwaysOn, open the SQL Server Configuration Manager, select SQL Server Services, right-click the SQL Server instance name, select Properties, and use the AlwaysOn High Availability tab of the SQL Server Properties dialog.要启用 AlwaysOn,请打开 SQL Server 配置管理器,选择 SQL Server 服务,右键单击 SQL Server 实例名称,选择属性,然后使用 SQL Server 属性对话框的 AlwaysOn 高可用性选项卡。

More Info :更多信息 :

1. System process queries 1. 系统进程查询

2. 2012 AlwaysON Setup 2. 2012 AlwaysON 设置

please let us know if you have any concerns.如果您有任何疑虑,请告诉我们。

使用相同的时间戳 filetable_updates_2105058535 也发生了这种情况

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