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[英]SQL Profiler not showing inserts/deletes/updates

When I run the profiler while running my application, it only seems to show SELECTs, not INSERTs or anything that changes the database. 当我在运行我的应用程序时运行探查器时,它似乎只显示SELECT,而不是INSERT或任何更改数据库的东西。 Yet my database is being updated, so those commands must be being executed. 然而我的数据库正在更新,因此必须执行这些命令。 What do I have to do to get it to show updates? 我需要做些什么才能让它显示更新? (I am using Entity Framework, btw, if that might make a difference.) (我正在使用实体框架,顺便说一句,如果这可能有所作为。)

I figured out how to do it - I had to select SQL:StmtStarting and SP:StmtStarting , not just SQL:BatchStarting or SP:Starting . 我想出了怎么做 - 我必须选择SQL:StmtStartingSP:StmtStarting ,而不仅仅是SQL:BatchStartingSP:Starting

Not sure what the differences are, but the inserts/deletes, etc. It showed up when I included those events. 不确定区别是什么,但是插入/删除等等。当我包含这些事件时它出现了。

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