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带变量的嵌套Scss @each

[英]Nested Scss @each with variables

Is it possible to create a function inside a nested variable with scss/sass? 是否可以使用scss / sass在嵌套变量内创建函数? I was using this article to help guide me but I did not find anything on whether it would work inside a nested color variable. 我使用这篇文章来帮助指导我,但是我没有发现关于它是否可以在嵌套的颜色变量中使用的任何信息。 Article working-with-lists-and-each-loops-in-sass-with-the-index-and-nth-function 文章与列表和每个循环一起工作,并具有索引和第n个功能

I want to create a function to automate the creation of these variables 我想创建一个函数来自动创建这些变量

$oranges:   #af5422;
$oranges2:  #FFCA28;
$oranges3:  #FFA000;

$fish: (
  orange: (
   "goldfish-1": $oranges,
   "goldfish-2": $oranges2,
   "goldfish-3": $oranges3,
) !default;

h1 {
  color: map-get(map-get($fish, orange), "goldfish-1");
h2 {
  color: map-get(map-get($fish, orange), "goldfish-2");
h3 {
  color: map-get(map-get($fish, orange), "goldfish-3");

codepen 码笔

I am looking to do something like this but I can't figure it out. 我想做这样的事情,但我不知道。

$oranges: #af5422 #FFCA28 #FFA000;

$fish: (
    @each $current-color in $oranges {
        $i: index($oranges, $current-color);
        "goldfish-#{$i}": $current-color,
) !default;

h1 {
  color: map-get(map-get($fish, orange), "goldfish-1");
h2 {
  color: map-get(map-get($fish, orange), "goldfish-2");
h3 {
  color: map-get(map-get($fish, orange), "goldfish-3");

codepen 2 Codepen 2

Is it even possible or is there a similar way to execute this? 甚至可能还是有类似的方法来执行此操作?

I don't think it's possible to loop inside a map 我认为不可能在map内循环

However this is how you can achieve what you want easily. 但是,这是您可以轻松实现所需目标的方式。 I am using the sass syntax 我正在使用sass语法

$oranges: #af5422 #FFCA28 #FFA000
$orange: ()

@each $current-colour in $oranges
  $i: index($oranges, $current-colour)
  $orange: map-merge($orange, ("goldfish-#{$i}": $current-colour))

$fish: (orange: $orange) !default

  color: map-get(map-get($fish, orange), "goldfish-1")

  color: map-get(map-get($fish, orange), "goldfish-2")

  color: map-get(map-get($fish, orange), "goldfish-3")

This is the scss syntax 这是scss语法

$oranges: #af5422 #FFCA28 #FFA000;
$orange: ();

@each $current-colour in $oranges {
  $i: index($oranges, $current-colour);
  $orange: map-merge($orange, ("goldfish-#{$i}": $current-colour));

$fish: (orange: $orange) !default;

h1 {
  color: map-get(map-get($fish, orange), "goldfish-1");

h2 {
  color: map-get(map-get($fish, orange), "goldfish-2");

h3 {
  color: map-get(map-get($fish, orange), "goldfish-3");

They both compile to the following css 它们都编译为以下CSS

h1 {
  color: #af5422; }

h2 {
  color: #FFCA28; }

h3 {
  color: #FFA000; }


Based on what you want to achieve in the link in your comment This is the code using sass indented style 基于您想要在注释链接中实现的目标这是使用sass缩进样式的代码

$oranges: #af5422 #FFCA28 #FFA000
$newvar: car plane truck

$shaded: 5% 15%
$orange: ()
$vehicle: ()

@each $current-colour in $oranges
  $i: index($oranges, $current-colour)
  $orange: map-merge($orange, ($i*100:$current-colour))

$fish: ( orange: $orange) !default

@each $automobile in $newvar
  $i: index($newvar, $automobile)
  @for $count from 1 through 5
    $new_map: ()
    @if $count == 1
      $new_map: map-merge($new_map, ($count *100: lighten(nth($oranges, $i), nth($shaded, 2))))
    @else if $count == 2
      $new_map: map-merge($new_map, ($count *100: lighten(nth($oranges, $i), nth($shaded, 1))))
    @else if $count == 3
      $new_map: map-merge($new_map, ($count *100: nth($oranges, $i)))
      $new_map: map-merge($new_map, ($count *100: darken(nth($oranges, $i), nth($shaded, 1))))
    $vehicle: map-merge($vehicle, $new-map)
  $fish: map-merge($fish, ($automobile: $vehicle))

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