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[英]Comparing/Mapping different series in different Dataframes

I have two data frames. 我有两个数据框。 Dataframe "A" which is the main dataframe has 3 columns "Number", "donation" and "Var1" . 作为主要数据帧的数据帧“ A”具有3列“ Number”,“ donation”和“ Var1”。 Dataframe B has 2 columns "Number" and "location". 数据框B具有2列“数字”和“位置”。 The "Number" column in DataFrame B is a subset of "Number" in A. What I would like to do is form a new column in DataFrame A - "NEW" which would map the values of numbers in both the column and if its present in DataFrame B would add value as 1 else all other values will be 0. DataFrame B中的“ Number”列是A中“ Number”的子集。我想做的是在DataFrame A中形成一个新列-“ NEW”,它将映射该列中的数字值以及是否映射出现在DataFrame B中的值将加1,否则所有其他值将为0。

Number donation Var1
243     4        45
677     56       34
909     34       22
565     78       24 
568     90       21
784     33       88
787     22       66
Number location
909     PB
565     WB
784     AU

These are the two dataframes, I want the DFA with a new column which looks something like this. 这是两个数据框,我希望DFA带有一个新列,看起来像这样。

Number donation Var1 NEW
243     4        45   0 
677     56       34   0
909     34       22   1
565     78       24   1
568     90       21   0
784     33       88   1
787     22       66   0

This has a new column which has value as 1 if the Number was present in DFB if absent it gives 0. 如果DFB中存在数字,则该列具有一个新列,其值为1(如果不存在),则其值为0。

You could use the isin method: 您可以使用isin方法:

DFA['NEW'] = (DFA['Number'].isin(DFB['Number'])).astype(int)

For example, 例如,

import pandas as pd

DFA = pd.DataFrame({'Number': [243, 677, 909, 565, 568, 784, 787],
                    'Var1': [45, 34, 22, 24, 21, 88, 66],
                    'donation': [4, 56, 34, 78, 90, 33, 22]})
DFB = pd.DataFrame({'Number': [909, 565, 784], 'location': ['PB', 'WB', 'AU']})

DFA['NEW'] = (DFA['Number'].isin(DFB['Number'])).astype(int)

yields 产量

   Number  Var1  donation  NEW
0     243    45         4    0
1     677    34        56    0
2     909    22        34    1
3     565    24        78    1
4     568    21        90    0
5     784    88        33    1
6     787    66        22    0

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